Package to 'free up' hospital beds due - Martin

A package of measures to move long-staying elderly patients from acute hospitals and create extra room for accident and emergency…

A package of measures to move long-staying elderly patients from acute hospitals and create extra room for accident and emergency patients will be announced on Thursday by the Minister for Health, Mr Martin.

Speaking ahead of a meeting between nursing unions and management at Beaumont Hospital today to discuss severe recent overcrowding at its Accident and Emergency (A&E) unit last weekend, Mr Martin promised a package of measures to facilitate patient discharge.

Mr Martin also said he would meet with the Northern Area Health Authority and the Eastern Regional Health Authority this week to discuss overcrowding at Beaumont.

"We have negotiated with the ERHA and the Health Boards, a package to try an facilitate the discharge of elderly patients. [This] is a key problem in terms of overcrowding and the efficient utilisation of beds within the major hospitals," he said.


The problem of "bed blockers" - predominately elderly patients whose treatment is complete but still require limited care or have no where to go - contributes significantly to periodic capacity crises at A&E departments.

It has been estimated that up to 350 beds in teaching hospitals, such as Beaumont are occupied by these older patients.

Last weekend patients were waiting on ambulance trolleys for up to three hours before they could even gain entry to the hospital's A&E department. At one stage, more than 40 A&E patients were waiting for beds.

It is expected that nurses' representatives will demand the immediate reopening of 45 beds closed as part of an attempt by the north Dublin hospital to remain within its budget this year.

Mr Martin also said he was not satisfied that St Joseph's Hospital in Raheny was being fully utilised for public patients. In 2001 the Department of health spent more than €10 million on the 70-bed facility. The unit is closely linked with Beaumont and caters for elective procedures only.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times