Northern Protestants feel isolated - Daly

The former Catholic Primate Cardinal Cahal Daly has said that "paradoxically, as Ireland becomes more globalised, Irish Catholicism…

The former Catholic Primate Cardinal Cahal Daly has said that "paradoxically, as Ireland becomes more globalised, Irish Catholicism is becoming less outward-looking in terms of missionary outreach to the world".

Meanwhile, Northern Ireland's Protestants, who had felt part of a "mainland" which was for them a bastion of world Protestantism "feel more and more misunderstood, isolated and vulnerable" as Britain was manifestly more secular, he said. The Cardinal made his re marks in a programme note for a conference at St Patrick's College, Maynooth, which will reflect on the state of Irish Catholicism today in light of the past.

Sponsored by the G K Chesterton Institute of Seton Hall University, New Jersey, USA, the conference title is `Chesterton's Ireland Then and Now - a Call for Re-Evangelisation'. It takes place from Friday September 14th to Sunday September 16th. Chesterton visited Ireland twice in the early decades of the last century and wrote two books about a country which he saw as a model of the Christian nation.

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times