Nationalism 'a curse'

Romantic nationalism "has been the blight, indeed the curse, of our people", said Canon William Neely of Keady, Co Armagh, yesterday…

Romantic nationalism "has been the blight, indeed the curse, of our people", said Canon William Neely of Keady, Co Armagh, yesterday. He was giving the sermon at the annual Huguenot commemoration service in Dublin's St Patrick's Cathedral.

The French Ambassador, Mr Gabriel de Bellescize, read the first lesson and Mr Patrick Mercer, president of the Irish Huguenot Society, read the second lesson.

"All the peoples who have come to this land have made us what we are. We must learn to take pride in and cherish our heritages. That is a justification for the Huguenot Sunday in this ancient church, Canon Neely said.

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times