Markets update: Banks and techs weaker

The Dublin market was marginally off at midday with the leading financials and pharmaceutical stock Elan looking weaker

The Dublin market was marginally off at midday with the leading financials and pharmaceutical stock Elan looking weaker. At mid-session the ISEQ was 19 points lower at 5,621.15.

Casualties were apparent in early trading with Bank of Ireland shares plunging 30 cents before recovering to reach midday at euro 10.15, off 16 cents. AIB shares dipped marginally to euro 11.90, a fall of two cents while Irish Life and Permanent crept down three cents to euro 12.33.

Anglo Irish dropped four cents to euro 3.63 as First Active added three cents to euro 2.58.

Elan weakened further this morning in the wake of negative brokerage comment ahead of results due next Monday. Its stock shed 50 cents to euro 56.00.


Construction stock CRH recovered yesterday’s losses following a more optimistic assessment of its euro 350 million takeover of Finnish company Addtek. However Grafton succumbed to profit-takers and fell 20 cents to euro 31.80.

Food stocks had few takers in early trade with Glanbia steady on euro 0.57, Golden Vale down three cents to euro 0.76 with only Kerry ahead, up eight cents on euro 12.50.

Eircom’s recent surge which brought it a year-high of 2.65 yesterday ended as Vodafone shares laboured under rumours of an imminent share placing. At midday, Eircom was down four cents to euro 2.61.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times