Londis to create 600 jobs in 30 new outlets

Londis plans to open 30 new outlets over the next 12 months in a move that will create 600 jobs, the company said today in a …

Londis plans to open 30 new outlets over the next 12 months in a move that will create 600 jobs, the company said today in a statement.

Fresh from its takeover in May of the Topshop chain of convenience stores from Tedcastle Holdings, Londis has moved to further strengthen its presence in the convenience shopping market.

The group, which operates the Londis and Londis Topshop franchises, has opened 20 new outlets this year adding 400 to its workforce. Acquiring the Topshop chain added 120 outlets bringing its current total to 265.

Executive director of ADM Londis, Mr Simon Healy rejected speculation the group was up for sale. "Recent press speculation, through ill informed sources, is well wide of the mark and in the absence of a substantial offer acceptable to shareholders, ADM will not be sold," he said.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times