Lisbon vote 'damaged Ireland's reputation'

SOME 84 per cent of company chief executives believe rejection of the Lisbon Treaty last year damaged Ireland’s international…

SOME 84 per cent of company chief executives believe rejection of the Lisbon Treaty last year damaged Ireland’s international reputation.

Over 98 per cent of them agreed that EU membership has been important to the success of Irish business, according to a survey carried out by employers’ group Ibec.

The findings have been published as pro-Lisbon supporters step up their activities, with the launch today of a new campaign group involving such well-known personalities as former rugby international Mick Galwey, actor Mary McEvoy, Dublin GAA football manager Pat Gilroy, De Dannan’s Frankie Gavin and Eurovision winner and songwriter Eimear Quinn.

The We Belong group will be launched in Dublin this morning.


The Ibec survey involved 300 chief executives across the State.

All chief executives of companies with over 50 employees believed that EU membership has been important to the success of Irish business; for those of companies with less than 50 the figure was 97.6 per cent.

Commenting on the findings, Ibec director of EU and international affairs Brendan Butler said that “at a time of great economic turbulence a question mark hangs over our reputation and our relationship with Europe.

“A Yes vote is an essential step on the road to economic recovery and will send a very positive signal to our European and international partners.”

He continued: “when we voted on the treaty in June last year 100 people a day were losing their jobs, now almost 600 jobs are being lost each day. We face enormous challenges and we must focus on protecting as many jobs as possible.

“We have an opportunity on October 2nd to send a clear message to our European and international partners that we want to play a full and active part in a reformed Europe.”

He said that “by removing the uncertainty that currently exists we will ensure that Ireland remains an attractive location for foreign investment.”

At Dublin’s Docklands this morning the new We Belong group will be launched to campaign for a Yes vote in the forthcoming referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. Their slogan will be “Lisbon. We Belong. You Decide”.

The group’s aim is to engage in “an ordinary straight-talking approach to Lisbon” with people across the State, particularly on the central issues for Irish people of control and identity, jobs, and exports to Europe.

Speaking of the group’s plans, its director Olivia Buckley, said: “I think everybody in Ireland wants a fair and factual approach to Lisbon over the next 10 weeks so it’s important that we all work to ensure this is the case.”

She continued: “We will engage with people through our website, through the web-based social networking sites and through word of mouth amongst the people themselves.”

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times