
Bring banks attracting litter: Littering at recycling centres and bring banks is a growing problem, according to new research…

Bring banks attracting litter: Littering at recycling centres and bring banks is a growing problem, according to new research.

"The number of people who dump at bring banks is unacceptably high and public opinion is against them," said Darrell Crowe, marketing manager with Repak. A new survey by Repak has found that 30 per cent of users leave recyclables on the ground at bring banks and two in three surveyed believe such people should be prosecuted. "We urge people not to leave recyclables on the ground as they are jeopardising the development and expansion of existing and new facilities," said Crowe. The research also revealed that 82 per cent of people believe there should be litter bins at bottle banks/recycling centres, but Repak believes bins would encourage further littering. The survey of 1,200 adults was carried out by Repak Ireland in advance of its fifth recycling week, which begins on Monday. Local authorities will distribute more than 50,000 reusable recycling bags for free through recycling centres during the week. See www.repak.ie

Festive season for trees

The annual autumn festival of trees/ Féile Samhna na gCrann begins today with a guided family walk at 2.30pm in the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin. Other highlights of the three-week festival include a walk next Saturday at 1pm in Belvoir Forest Park, Belfast, led by Ben Simon, chairman of the broadleaf tree charity Crann. Jan Alexander, founder and president of Crann will revisit small broadleaf tree plantations in the south Leitrim region on Saturday, October 15th, meeting in Ballinamore, Co Leitrim at 10am. And Coole Park near Gort, Co Galway is the venue for woodland games and nature walks on Sunday, October 16th from 2pm. Finally, the 160 acres of parkland and woodland that surround Belvedere House, Mullingar, Co Westmeath will host another family day on October 22nd. All events are free. Contact 01-6275075 or e-mail info@crann.ie.


Donegal town talks trees

The themes of "Getting Recreational Forestry Right", "Wood Energy - the Way Forward" and "Supporting Private Growers" will be discussed at a forestry conference in Donegal town on October 17th and 18th. The event aims to develop sustainable and integrated forestry policies with community involvement. Speakers will include Ben Simon from Forest of Belfast and Pieter Kofman, a Danish wood energy consultant. To register contact Barbara Edwards at 074-9734053 or by e-mailing edwardsevents@eircom.net. See also www.forest-link.com

Developing without destroying

Finding a way to bridge the gap between conserving our heritage and encouraging development will be the theme of a conference on October 18th and 19th in the Killiney Castle Hotel, Killiney, Co Dublin. Organised by Tim Carey, heritage officer in Dún Laoghaire- Rathdown County Council, and the Heritage Council, the conference will highlight issues raised when heritage features are integrated into residential and commercial developments. Contact Tim Carey on 01-2054700 or e-mail tcarey@dlrcoco.ie.www.comhar-nsdp.ie

Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about health, heritage and the environment