Health gem

If you do one this week... take up don't give up

If you do one this week . . . take up don't give up

Hello 2012, and hello to a list of promises to be fitter, leaner and healthier.

After the Christmas splurge many guilt-spurred resolutions seek to give up the sins of excess.

But hang on a minute – isn’t there a more pleasant way of doing this that could encourage you to mould a healthier lifestyle?


Instead of dictating that you are going to forbid yourself eating certain foods, why not change the focus and resolve to do something positive – maybe take up a fitness or dance class, carve out time to go for a walk every day, switch high-calorie snacks for healthier alternatives or go to bed earlier to get more sleep.

Casting the changes in a more constructive light makes them seem less draconian and, who knows, it might even help you feel more inclined to stick with your new-found habits.