Government says most election aims achieved

Three-quarters of the promised objectives after the last election have been achieved, the Government said today.

Three-quarters of the promised objectives after the last election have been achieved, the Government said today.

In its four-year progress report, the coalition praises its record to date on the key areas of unemployment, tax reform and lowering crime and bringing forward the peace process.

It said an unprecedented number of legislative bills (179) have been enacted, including the first anti-corruption legislation in 85 years.

Fianna Fáil and the Progressive Democrats claimed today more than 300,000 jobs have been generated by their administration, resulting in the lowest level of unemployment since statistics began.


The Government parties said two commitments - to sustain economic growth and focusing on an equal society for all - was at the heart of its strategy.

But Fine Gael deputy leader Mr Jim Mitchell told RTÉ radio the Government also had to take credit for the shambles in the housing market - "which means that two people on good salaries cannot afford a home" - the delays in the National Development plan and the crisis in the health service.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times