Fine Gael begins Nice Treaty 'Yes ' campaign

Fine Gael announced details today of its campaign for a Yes vote in the forthcoming referendum on the Nice Treaty.

Fine Gael announced details today of its campaign for a Yes vote in the forthcoming referendum on the Nice Treaty.

Their programme of events includes a series of public meetings and lectures from such public figures as EU Commissioner Mr David Byrne, former taoiseach Dr Garret Fitzgerald and former EU Commissioner and head of the World Trade Organisation Mr Peter Sutherland.

"The stakes could not be higher," the party’s director of elections for the referendum, Mr John Bruton, said. "If Ireland votes Yes, the country will be at the heart of decision-making in the largest economic bloc in the world.

"If Ireland votes No, I believe we will be setting ourselves on a course leading towards ultimate self-exclusion from the European Union," the former Taoiseach said.

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times