Exlosives factory plan refused permission

Planning permission for an explosives plant at the Shannon estuary was refused by Bord Pleanala today.

Planning permission for an explosives plant at the Shannon estuary was refused by Bord Pleanala today.

In its ruling, the Board noted inadequacies in the Environment Impact Statement (EIS) and the lodging of a notice, rather than planning issues involved in Shannon Explosives Ltd's proposed development. This means the plans could be resubmitted following modifications.

A key point in the Board's ruling was that the anticipated effects of infilling 200,000 tonnes of material at the site on the road network and environment were subject to the public notice or the EIS lodged with the plans.

The appeals body said that "it is not satisfied that this element of the proposal would not have serious adverse effects on the environment and the development would be contrary to the proper planning and development of the area".


The plans for the proposed €6.5 million factory at Cahercon, Kildysart were lodged over 4 years ago. Shannon Explosives plans to import and produce explosives.

The Board said that the EIS revision required could form the basis of a new planning application to Clare County Council.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times