Dublin market recovers from losing streak

The Dublin market seems to have broken a four-day losing run rising more than 2 per cent in early trading this morning.

The Dublin market seems to have broken a four-day losing run rising more than 2 per cent in early trading this morning.

At 12.03 p.m. the index stood at 4432.44, up 95.53. Leading the recovery were the financial stocks with Bank of Ireland shares rising more than 7 per cent to €11.51. AIB shares also strengthened, gaining 12 cents to €13.02.

Pharmaceutical companies fared well this morning with Elan adding 29 cents to €1.85 and

Back among the positives, drug stocks recovered from the HRT revelations, with Elan up 29c to Galen gaining 19 cents to €6.19. United Drug gained ten cents to reach midsession on €13.50.


CRH shares, unaffected by criticism of the company in the Dáil yesterday, added 16 cents to €16.16.

Iona, one of the most severely hit tech stocks this year losing nearly 90 per cent of its share value, saw a 14 per cent rise on the ISEQ today, to €3.20.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times