Dublin councils to collect extra refuse

Households in the Dublin City and Dun Laoghaire whose bin service was skipped due to poor weather conditions, will be allowed…

Households in the Dublin City and Dun Laoghaire whose bin service was skipped due to poor weather conditions, will be allowed to put out extra refuse in bags over the coming weeks.

Dublin City Council said households on the south side of the city, should have had a black bin collection in the week beginning Monday 20th, while their counterparts on the northside should have had a brown bin collection.

However, a spokesman for the council said an unspecified number of homes had been missed because of the bad weather. He said the council would accept up to two black sacks of refuse with the next scheduled bin collection.

“What we are saying to people who are affected by missing a bin collection is that they should take the bins back in and wait a fortnight for the next scheduled collection. If bins are full we will accept up to two standard black sacks”.


Extra dry recyclables in bags will also be taken with the green bin collection which also takes place on a two week basis, he said.

The spokesman advised customers to visit dublinwaste.ie or dublincity.ie/wastecalendar where the city waste collection calendars could be accessed.

Greyhound which collects recyclables apologised to customers whose Green Bin collection was missed due to the severe weather. The company said over coming days customers should leave bins out as normal and updates would be posted on greenbin.ie In Fingal County Council a spokeswoman said most bins had been collected with the exception of hilly areas such as Howth.

She advised customers to put out bins for collection as scheduled as no interruption was planned over Christmas. She said further information on extra loads would be available from the council website at fingalcoco.ie/Environment/BinCollections/Christmas2010collectionarrangements/ In Dun Laoghaire Rathdown, Greenstar and Panda are the main collectors of domestise waste.

A spokeswoman for Panda said that as Christmas day was on a Saturday, no interruption to the schedule was forecast. The company said it has sent text messages to customers keeping them up to date on services and would accept black bags of waste in addition to its wheelie bins, from those who had been missed due to the weather. The spokeswoman said bins should be left out for the next collection date as normal.

Greenstar’s domestic customers who availed of the company’s text messaging service should receive text updates regarding rescheduling of collections. Others were advised to contact 1890 600 900 for collection queries.

In South Dublin County Council’s administrative area where a tag scheme operates customers were advised to leave out bins and bags with tags as normal.

Christmas trees will be accepted at 15 locations across the city from January 02nd to January 20th.

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist