Dr Connell speaks of marriage at State reception

Cardinal Connell was welcomed at a State reception in his honour held at Dublin Castle last night by the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern …

Cardinal Connell was welcomed at a State reception in his honour held at Dublin Castle last night by the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern and the Tanaiste, Ms Harney.

Mr Ahern's partner, Ms Celia Larkin, who co-hosted the reception, was not in the welcoming party nor was she mentioned by Dr Connell in his address.

Cardinal Connell spoke of the church's "profound reverence for the home, designed by the Creator through marriage and family, as the deep centre of human intimacy on which the whole future of our society depends".

In his address, Cardinal Connell said he deeply appreciated "the honour of this reception". He expressed his gratitude for the presence of the Taoiseach and State representatives in Rome to witness his elevation. He did not refer to Ms Larkin at any stage.


Among the large attendance were the Auxiliary Bishops of Dublin, Dr Jim Moriarty, Dr Eamonn Walsh, and Dr Raymond Field.

There were no members of the Church of Ireland House of Bishops at the reception, although as late as last Sunday evening, it was understood that all had been invited and intended to be there. Archbishop Walton Empey of Dublin sent his apologies.

The Dean of Christ Church Cathedral, the Very Rev John Paterson, did attend as did the Rev Trevor Morrow, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church; the Rev Ken Todd, President of the Methodist Church, as well as representatives of the Greek Orthodox Church and the Muslim community in Ireland.

Also present were all members of the Cabinet, former Taoisigh Mr Liam Cosgrave and Dr Garret FitzGerald; Fianna Fail TDs Mr Sean Ardagh and Mr Sean Haughey; Fine Gael TDs Ms Nora Owen, Mr Michael Finucane and Ms Frances Fitzgerald and the Independent TD, Mr Tony Gregory. The Chief Justice, Mr Ronan Keane, the former Chief Justice, Mr Thomas Finlay, and Mr Justice Flood also attended.

On his arrival at Dublin Castle with Ms Larkin, the Taoiseach took the salute from the Army No 1 Band before he, the Cabinet and Ms Larkin, retreated to a side room with the Cardinal.

The Cardinal was applauded when, departing from his script, he said it was a particular pleasure to meet the Minister for Agriculture, Mr Walsh, whom he held in very high regard "for the works done in saving our country from the disasters of foot-and-mouth".

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times