Deeley family is still living in hope

Just the word "December" makes Michelle Deeley shiver

Just the word "December" makes Michelle Deeley shiver. As the third anniversary of the disappearance of her younger brother, Trevor, approaches on Monday, she says Christmas had always been the best time of year.

"It's a time for family and homecomings and friends. Like so many other dates throughout the year, you really do miss him even more at this time. It's hard to describe how awful it is."

Trevor, originally from Naas, Co Kildare, disappeared in the early hours of December 9th, 2000, as he made his way home from a Christmas party, sometime after 4 a.m. He was then 22.

His disappearance gave rise to an unprecedented publicity campaign mounted by his family and friends, with posters and flyers bearing his picture posted up across Dublin as well as at train stations throughout the State.


Though there was a good response and many calls to gardaí about possible sightings, none has yielded that vital piece of information his family hopes for every day.

In an effort to widen the scope of their campaign the Deeley family is bringing their campaign to the regions. "Until now we have concentrated our activities in Dublin," explains his father, Michael. "But we just don't know yet if there might be a person out there with something who wouldn't be familiar with what Trevor looks like and the story.

Through December the 15 branches of Iceland in Northern Ireland will be carrying milk cartons with a picture of Trevor, asking people with information to contact the National Missing Persons Helpline in London.

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland is Social Affairs Correspondent of The Irish Times