Builder was unaware of Lawlor ownership

Mahon Tribunal: A Dublin builder, Mr Joe Tiernan, has told the tribunal he was not aware the lands he purchased at Coolamber…

Mahon Tribunal: A Dublin builder, Mr Joe Tiernan, has told the tribunal he was not aware the lands he purchased at Coolamber near Lucan, Co Dublin, were owned by Mr Liam Lawlor.

Mr Tiernan was presented with terms for acquiring the land by Southfield Property Company, then listed as the owner, in 1989.

The terms required Mr Tiernan to provide, at his expense, a sewage pipe that would extend to service neighbouring lands.

Southfield was also to retain a portion of the site for the development of a petrol station and a shopping centre, for which Mr Tiernan would have to seek planning permission, even though he would not own them.


Mr Tiernan said he knew Mr Lawlor owned part of the neighbouring lands which would benefit from the sewage pipe. He also said he had dealt with Mr Lawlor on a number of occasions in relation to political matters, but he did not know the politician had any association with Southfield.

"At no time when you met did he say to you, 'By the way, I am Southfield'?" counsel for the tribunal, Mr Des O'Neill, asked.

"Mr Lawlor never disclosed, never divulged, never indicated to me that he was the owner of these lands," Mr Tiernan replied.

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly is Dublin Editor of The Irish Times