Bruton pledges to support talks

THE Government will do everything it can to encourage the parties to compromise so that the Northern talks could move forward…

THE Government will do everything it can to encourage the parties to compromise so that the Northern talks could move forward, the Taoiseach, Mr Bruton, said yesterday.

He was responding to the prediction by Mr David Ervine, leader of the Progressive Unionist Party, that the peace process will collapse soon.

Accompanying the German Chancellor, Dr Helmut Kohl, to Trinity College, Dublin, Mr Bruton said predictions of that nature should be avoided. The loyalist ceasefire had been a very important contributor to stabilising the political situation, particularly in light of the resumption of violence by the IRA. "And, of course, it would be wrong not to be concerned at the statements that have been made," he added.

A talks process existed which did not exist before June 10th, he said. A great deal of effort was put into the task of establishing a talks process in which every party, whatever their previous associations, could participate. The only requirement for participation in those talks was that there should not be violence on the part of any organisation associated with the party taking part in the talks.


"In that context, I believe that it is very important that people should use the opportunity that is now there," he said.

He suggested there was a heavy responsibility on the participants, not merely to articulate long-held or even desirable positions, but to seek to compromise in a realistic way with the other parties currently at the talks or who may eventually be at the talks.

Mr Bruton committed his government which, he said, was cooperating very closely with the British government, to do everything to encourage the parties to make necessary compromises so that the talks could move forward "and people do not have to return to a policy which caused so much suffering over so many years".

Geraldine Kennedy

Geraldine Kennedy

Geraldine Kennedy was editor of The Irish Times from 2002 to 2011