Baby 'O' mother begins Supreme Court appeal

An appeal began today at the Supreme Court against the decision dismissing a challenge by a Nigerian woman and her unborn baby…

An appeal began today at the Supreme Court against the decision dismissing a challenge by a Nigerian woman and her unborn baby to an order for their deportation.

The Supreme Court granted a stay until next Tuesday on the decision by High Court judge Mr Justice Smyth on his rejection of the woman's challenge. Mr Justice Smyth granted leave for appeal.

Lawyers for the woman today asked the Supreme Court to extend the stay on the Deportation Order pending the outcome of the appeal.

Mr Justice Smyth ruled said the case concerned the entitlement of the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform to deport a person who had failed to secure a certificate of refugee status from the State because she was pregnant.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times