Aer Lingus dispute talks at LRC adjourned

Talks between Aer Lingus management and the Labour Relations Commission aimed at averting industrial action at the airline were…

Talks between Aer Lingus management and the Labour Relations Commission aimed at averting industrial action at the airline were adjourned tonight.

Management met LRC chairman Kevin Foley yesterday to try to establish a basis for further engagement between the two sides in the dispute.

It is understood Mr Foley outlined a range of proposals to management yesterday, which they requested time to consider. Management returned to the LRC today for several hours of talks.

Siptu, the main union at the airline, held talks with the LRC on Friday afternoon.


In a statement last night, Siptu national industrial secretary Gerry McCormack said the union would return to the LRC tomorrow morning for further talks.

“We have agreed to make ourselves available again on Monday to meet with Mr Foley and assist in his search for a solution to the dispute,” he said.

The row centres on management's plans to cut nearly 1,300 jobs and replace staff with outsourced contracts.

In a €74 million cost-cutting package, the airline wants to outsource ground operations, close cabin crew bases in Shannon and Heathrow, and use American crews on some transatlantic routes.

Siptu has served strike notice on Aer Lingus, which would come into effect on Monday, November 24th. The union is proposing an alternative to outsourcing arrangements planned by Aer Lingus.

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times