Emeralds "suit the Irish skintone"

READERS OF A certain vintage (though not yet quite antique), who were going to the pictures in the late 1940s, may recall a film…

READERS OF A certain vintage (though not yet quite antique), who were going to the pictures in the late 1940s, may recall a film called Black Narcissus. Deborah Kerr played the part of Sr Clodagh, an Irish nun helping to establish a convent high in the Himalayas, who scandalously falls for Mr Dean, the smouldering British agent.

The film famously included flashback scenes of Clodagh’s youth in Ireland where the flaming redhead is seen ogling granny’s emeralds intended for the wedding day she’d never have.

The precious green stones – the best are mined in Colombia – have always been sought-after in Ireland.

Jewellery auctioneer O’Reilly’s claims that “emeralds tend to be particularly popular here, perhaps because they suit the Irish skintone spectacularly well”.


The firm is offering a rich selection of antique and modern emerald jewels in the auction at 126 Francis Street, Dublin next Wednesday (July 18th) at 1pm.

Highlights include an early 20thcentury emerald and diamond bracelet (estimate €50,000-€60,000) and an 8.73ct emerald ring (estimate €25,000-€30,000).

Michael Parsons

Michael Parsons

Michael Parsons is a contributor to The Irish Times writing about fine art and antiques