Burkini babes

CLOTHES LINES: Feel like taking the plunge in a burkini? Described as a cross between a burka and a bikini, it is the latest…

CLOTHES LINES:Feel like taking the plunge in a burkini? Described as a cross between a burka and a bikini, it is the latest fashion swimwear item to hit the headlines. Designed in Australia specifically for surf-, sand- and sun-loving Muslim women, sales are reportedly soaring in Europe, where a Dutch company, Woortman Sportswear, has the sole European rights to sell the bathing dress.

The burkini isn’t itsy bitsy or teeny weeny, but rather a long polyester tunic or hijood (a combination of hijab and hood) decorated with a few modest stripes and worn with trousers that keep the whole body covered except for feet, face and hands. Created three years ago by Aheda Zanetti, a Lebanese Australian, they come in several fits, slim, modest and active (including plus sizes) in black or blue, and cost from €89 to €115. The burkini made news last year when a Dutch swimming pool banned it on hygiene grounds, but after intervention by the Dutch government it is now acceptable swimming attire in municipal pools in The Netherlands. See www.woortmansportswear.com.

Deirdre McQuillan

Deirdre McQuillan

Deirdre McQuillan is Irish Times Fashion Editor, a freelance feature writer and an author