It's been 24 years since Clannad recorded together with their original line-up. Now, with Pól Brennan returning to the fold and a lengthy US and European tour past them, Moya Brennan and clan revisit that particular soundscape that's all their own. With a strong emphasis on newly composed songs, as well as striking songwriting and musical contributions from the next generation in the person of Aisling Jarvis, Clannad still have an edge when it comes to haunting, spectral shapes. Their keyboards may occasionally linger in a twilight zone coloured by the 1980s, but Brennan's vocals are still the linchpin of the band's sound. Lyrically bold, Clannad take ultimate flight on one of the two traditional pieces, Turas Dhómhsa chon na Galldachd, their familial harmonies a reminder us of what set them apart more than four decades ago. Duke Special coalesces with Moya's vocals to surprising effect on Brave Enough.
Download tracks: The Fishing Blues, Tobar an tSaoil
Clannad: Nádúr