Five superstars

Artice Monkeys, Beyoncé, Morrisey, Ian Brown, Gary Numan - various venues

Artice Monkeys, Beyoncé, Morrisey, Ian Brown, Gary Numan - various venues

The coming week sees shows from almost half a dozen acts that by themselves would be reason enough to go out. The fact that there are five bona fide gigs of the week means an embarrassment of riches for concertgoers (as well as possible embarrassment in the finances department).

Gig of the week for many people, perhaps, is Arctic Monkeys(Wednesday, Belfast; Thursday, Dublin), who return to Ireland on the back of their fine third album, Humbug. Also at those two cities is Beyoncé(Sunday/ Monday, Dublin; Tuesday, Belfast), whose shows back in May were a definite highpoint, due to a streamlined star brand and a classy blend of urban, Las Vegas-style showstoppers.

If Beyoncé doesn't grab you, then maybe Morrissey(Monday, Dublin) will. Promoting a B-sides album might seem like a last-leg attempt at selling product, but don't forget that Mozzer is a bit of a genius, and always value for money in a live setting (especially when he's belting out the A-sides).


Meanwhile, Ian Brown(Sunday, Belfast; Monday/ Tuesday, Dublin; Thursday, Mayo) has a fine musical legacy, but if Brown isn't the man for you, then perhaps Gary Numan(Tuesday, Dublin) is. Numan is plugging the 30th anniversary of his classic electro-pop album, The Pleasure Principle.


There’s just no pleasing some people, is there?

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture