Media groups unite for ad campaign

Media owners in Ireland have united for an unprecedented advertising campaign to promote... the power of advertising.

Media owners in Ireland have united for an unprecedented advertising campaign to promote . . . the power of advertising.

After another difficult year for ad revenues, the aim of the campaign is to persuade chief executives planning their 2013 budgets that cutting back on advertising is counterproductive.

Media groups participating in the campaign include RTÉ, TV3, Sky Media Ireland, Independent News and Media, Communicorp, News International, The Irish Times, Thomas Crosbie Holdings, UTV Radio, Setanta and Associated Newspapers.

The multi-media campaign, which launches today, is a “unique collaboration”, according to Pat Kiely, commercial director at TV3.


“This isn’t about shifting from one medium to another - this is about increasing the overall level of advertising,” he said.

“It is a very timely reminder to decision-makers in companies in Ireland that advertising is an investment and not a cost.” One of the ads shows a picture of a generic ketchup bottle with the line “I love that red stuff on chips”, while another shows a pint glass with the line “my favourite beer is definitely wotya-callit”.

The campaign’s message follows in the slogan: “Unforgettable brands advertise. Can you afford not to?”

The ads also cite research by McGraw-Hill that concluded the sales of companies that advertise aggressively during a recession rise 256 per cent more than those who don’t.

A trading statement published by UTV Media yesterday warned that “challenging conditions persist” for television and radio advertising in Ireland, “with further revenue declines anticipated”.

Laura Slattery

Laura Slattery

Laura Slattery is an Irish Times journalist writing about media, advertising and other business topics