Commerce to be focus for funding

THE BUDGET will prioritise research spending in areas that offer good commercial potential, the Tánaiste has indicated.

THE BUDGET will prioritise research spending in areas that offer good commercial potential, the Tánaiste has indicated.

While she acknowledged that spending detailed in the programme for government would not be met, she did not want to see a “downward spiral” in State support for research.

Mary Coughlan was speaking yesterday at the Science Gallery at a meeting with staff from leading multinational firms in Ireland and representatives of all 10 Science Foundation Ireland Csets (Centres for science, engineering and technology) and the Tyndall National Institute. All conduct co-operative research with large research-based companies, many of them multinationals.

The meeting emphasised the value of research as a way to create wealth and jobs. More than 80 companies participate and have invested €70 million so far, stated the Foundation’s director general, Prof Frank Gannon. The meeting also saw the launch of the Cset Commercialisation Forum, set up to support the commercialisation of research discoveries.