PSNI could have kept John Boreland safe by locking him upFestering loyalist feud and the criminality behind it have been as public as a paradeThu Aug 11 2016 - 01:10
Newton Emerson: A post-Brexit united Ireland would need powersharingUnionist minority would need some assurance of real influence in all-Ireland DáilThu Aug 04 2016 - 01:00
Newton Emerson: DUP opposition to Brexit forum purely parochialForemost unionist party objects to inclusion of Ulster Unionists in forumThu Jul 28 2016 - 01:00
Newton Emerson: Will a return to the pound be the price of Irish unity?As in Scotland, nationalists can win that vote if they persuade a relatively small chunk of the electorate that their money is safeThu Jul 21 2016 - 01:00
Newton Emerson: Bonfires are now more about underclass defiance than loyalismMiddle class unionism has drifted away from 12th bonfires making them someone elses problemThu Jul 14 2016 - 08:27
Newton Emerson: The hysteria of Irish nationalists over Brexit is irrationalVery little will change in UK leaves the EU unless Scotland becomes independentThu Jul 07 2016 - 17:59
Newton Emerson: Nationalists have nothing to fear from a united IrelandThe two great concerns - redundancies and rioting - are overplayedThu Jun 30 2016 - 00:25
Newton Emerson: Has the UK lost the will to live?‘Far from having a deep state, the UK looks like a uniquely shallow state – not even summoning up the most routine of dark arts in the cause of its own survival’Thu Jun 23 2016 - 15:23
When will the PSNI move on loyalist leaders?Nationalist suspicions that loyalism remains in business are underscored every dayThu Jun 16 2016 - 00:15
Newton Emerson: Sinn Féin quietly outflanks the SDLPParty moves towards centre ground by calling for more devolution to BelfastThu Jun 09 2016 - 01:06
Newton Emerson: It is stupid sectarian business as usual for the North’s councilsHistory provides a warning as to why the Stormont truce needs to be more widely appliedThu Jun 02 2016 - 00:28
Newton Emerson: Corbyn a bigger threat to the union than BrexitConservative Party looks set for civil war clearing a path to Downing Street for the Labour leaderThu May 26 2016 - 00:43
Newton Emerson: Something is stirring in StormontMike Nesbitt’s decision to take the UUP into official opposition has put pressure on the SDLP and Alliance to followThu May 19 2016 - 00:41
Newton Emerson: Gerry Adams is out of North’s sight and mindIn light of latest tweet gaffe, what sort of deputy first minister would Adams be?Thu May 05 2016 - 00:11
Newton Emerson: Integrated education key to forging Northern Irish identityObama praises progress in London - but Sinn Féin and DUP support segregationThu Apr 28 2016 - 00:01
Newton Emerson: Micheál Martin’s Arbour Hill comments are out of stepAn election will now be held in which the people of Northern Ireland can only blame themselves for the outcomeThu Apr 21 2016 - 09:31
Newton Emerson: Tory-hating is the last bastion of AnglophobiaSDLP leaders comments demonstrate hostility that is simply not acceptable towards any other political groupThu Apr 14 2016 - 00:10
Newton Emerson: Northern Ireland stinks of people not quite breaking the lawProject Eagle scandal shines spotlight on the nexus between business and politicsFri Mar 11 2016 - 01:24
Newton Emerson: Arlene Foster’s troubled past resonates across unionismPurity of First Minister’s victimhood gives her confidence and authority to work with Sinn FéinWed Feb 17 2016 - 01:19
Newton Emerson: Fresh Start for North in 2016 looks predictableDespite its name, the new deal is about as fresh as twice-reheated turkeyFri Jan 01 2016 - 01:00
Waterford Whispers News Takes Over the World: all the news that’s fit to mockA satirical website’s boldly cheeky attitude to Irish life and culture is now a very funny bookSat Dec 12 2015 - 01:22
Why plump for elections when more glorious options are available?NEWTON'S OPTIC: THERE MUST never be a presidential election like this againWed Oct 26 2011 - 01:00
'Star Trek' Meaney attempts valiantly to beam McGuinness on boardNEWTON'S OPTIC: ‘WHY WOULD people be surprised in me having this event in my name, I don’t see why, I don’t see whyWed Oct 19 2011 - 01:00
Dundjork's Viking longhouses show how history will miraculously repeat itselfNEWTON'S OPTIC: THOUSANDS OF runes inscribed onto the hide of a particularly fat Irish monk have provided us with this fascinating…Wed Oct 12 2011 - 01:00
Exploration of candidates' fracking theories offers potential for great gasNEWTON'S OPTIC: IN TODAY’S Irish Times presidential debate, we ask all seven candidates how they feel about fracking for gas…Wed Oct 05 2011 - 01:00
Dana is all kinds of everything to Ulster Protestants in Áras raceNEWTON'S OPTIC: WHO WOULD Ulster Protestants vote for in the presidential election, if we had a vote and were forced at gunpoint…Wed Sept 28 2011 - 01:00
A dozen or so less obvious questions for McGuinnessNEWTON'S OPTIC: THERE ARE many obvious questions Martin McGuinness needs to answer during his presidential campaignWed Sept 21 2011 - 01:00
Ourselves alone have the right brand to take power in IrelandOPINION: THE IRISH Times has obtained this key strategy document from an envelope in the car-park at the Fianna Fáil think-in…Wed Sept 14 2011 - 01:00
Indebted Fenians flock to Land LeagueNEWTON'S OPTIC: FAR BE it from me to suggest the mortgage forgiveness debate reveals the Irish to be a shadow of their former…Wed Sept 07 2011 - 01:00
Mucking about in the tank when somehow it all turns septicNEWTON'S OPTIC: THE IRISH Times brings you this exclusive extract from Éamon Ó Cuív’s prison diary, shortly to be published …Wed Aug 31 2011 - 01:00
Powerful names to conjure with in Libya's transitional councilNEWTON'S OPTIC: Western rebel leader Ihn Dhakenny is more or less in chargeWed Aug 24 2011 - 01:00
Lack of male authority figures to blame for broken presidencyNEWTON'S OPTIC: A generation has never known a man in the ÁrasWed Aug 17 2011 - 01:00
Forget gold, sink your savings into a metal so toxic it can't be touchedNEWTON'S OPTIC: Mercury, both solid and liquid, beats goldWed Aug 10 2011 - 01:00
Ordained gardaí could hear confession and sentence sinners on the spotNEWTON'S OPTIC : HOW CAN the confessional seal be abolished while maintaining the priest- penitent relationship? We take a look…Wed Jul 27 2011 - 01:00
Cameron's links to phone-hacking scandal make his position untenableA more detailed than usual timeline of the British hacking scandalWed Jul 20 2011 - 01:00
Extra, extra, read all about it (except the good bits we can't print)NEWTON'S OPTIC : ‘The Regulated News of the World ’ will light up readers’ livesWed Jul 13 2011 - 01:00
Fair ways turn foul when putt-upon working class lose their driveNEWTON'S OPTIC: IT IS just five miles from Rory McIlroy’s house in Holywood to the riot-torn streets of East Belfast, yet it…Wed Jun 29 2011 - 01:00
An Irish-American president can bring in millions of touristsNEWTON'S OPTIC: The media are sneering at me for being Irish-AmericanWed Jun 22 2011 - 01:00
Slavish pursuit of truth at the expense of beauty is a classical mistakeNEWTON'S OPTIC: Murmurings about my presidential credentials completely miss pointWed Jun 08 2011 - 01:00
Protestants on top: 'Titanic' was a microcosm of Ulster societyNEWTON'S OPTIC: Vessel’s biggest mystery remains largely untoldWed Jun 01 2011 - 01:00
Call me Timothy Geithner of the money-galling GeithnersNEWTON'S OPTIC: HELLO DUBLIN! Hello Ireland!Wed May 25 2011 - 01:00
Contenders for costliest mistake ever made by an Irish personNEWTON'S OPTIC: WHAT IS the costliest mistake ever made by an Irish person? The Irish Times takes a look at some of the contenders…Wed May 11 2011 - 01:00
There's no smoke without ire when it comes to prickly cutsNEWTON'S OPTIC: Rupert : On tonight’s BBC Newsline we examine how the cuts have caused the worst gorse fires in Northern Ireland…Wed May 04 2011 - 01:00
Walking in footsteps of Irish flag-bearer Lenihan proves a chilling experienceNEWTON'S OPTIC: WE NOW return you to our feature article “Newton Emerson on the trail of Brian Lenihan”Wed Apr 27 2011 - 01:00
No room for quiet men in today's brash corporate IrelandNEWTON'S OPTIC: THE BANK’s decision to place my Emerson Group shares in receivership is the greatest upset in my business career…Wed Apr 20 2011 - 01:00
Quango cull on cards as obvious bedfellows emerge from reviewN EWTON'S OPTIC: Endless opportunities for merging agencies and authoritiesWed Apr 13 2011 - 01:00
How the parish pump can be piped all the way up to the ÁrasNEWTON'S OPTIC: All politics is local. This is a sturdy plank of Irish democracyWed Apr 06 2011 - 01:00
Primary school for lapsed Catholic sector has mass appealNEWTON'S OPTIC: All our teachers are lapsed CatholicsWed Mar 30 2011 - 01:00
Added value of privilege days for making tax returnsPitching to revenue following a recent ruling from Emerson’s arbitration boardWed Mar 23 2011 - 00:00