Newton Emerson: DUP huff highlights problem of the ‘empty chair’Boycott of the North South Ministerial Council has potential to do real harmThu Apr 22 2021 - 01:00
Newton Emerson: London and Dublin are making a problem of a solution‘Totality of relationships’ body is being turned into a controversy of its own rightThu Apr 15 2021 - 01:00
Newton Emerson: Compromise on Northern Ireland protocol may be neededLaw and order not enough to halt loyalist protests driven by crime and politicsThu Apr 08 2021 - 01:00
Newton Emerson: North needs new policy on integrated educationOnly 65 of North’s 1,000 schools are integrated, covering just 7% of all pupilsThu Apr 01 2021 - 01:00
Jim O’Callaghan's united Ireland plan will be unpopular with FF base and Republic’s electorateMove represents brave step for a Fianna Fáil leadership contenderThu Mar 25 2021 - 01:00
When did we stop wanting a democratic China?Newton Emerson: The West has internalised idea that China’s system is as legitimate as any otherThu Mar 18 2021 - 01:00
Newton Emerson: EU attitude to goods checks in North is unhelpfulIs bureaucratic intransigence behind Brussels’s quest for border enforcement?Thu Mar 11 2021 - 01:00
Northern Ireland's health system is bucklingFaith in system could simply melt away, with profound political consequencesThu Mar 04 2021 - 01:00
Newton Emerson: Minding the cross-Border vaccine gapRestriction differences between North and South are set to dwindle as roadmap appearsThu Feb 25 2021 - 01:00
Newton Emerson: Republic’s shared-equity housing scheme threatens to push up pricesBetter British ideas are available to copy that would not push up property pricesThu Feb 18 2021 - 01:00
Newton Emerson: Cross-Border finger-pointing is pointlessOpinion: We have come full circle on the Covid-19 politics of partitionThu Feb 11 2021 - 01:00
Newton Emerson: Unionism to squander opportunity presented by EU blunderDUP will sit on sidelines instead of lobbying for frictionless sea borderThu Feb 04 2021 - 01:00
Newton Emerson: Bad faith is testing Brexit’s house of cardsStructures put in place to govern post-Brexit EU-UK relations look unstable and confrontationalThu Jan 28 2021 - 01:00
Newton Emerson: Stormont bemused by Republic’s stonewalling on Covid dataThe Republic has never taken cross-Border co-operation on Covid-19 seriouslyThu Jan 21 2021 - 01:00
Newton Emerson: SF, DUP refuse to concede their atavistic nationalism a huge strategic errorA 'win' in a border poll is not likely in the next few years, so why demand one?Thu Jan 14 2021 - 01:00
Newton Emerson: Unionists have no choice but to make the Irish Sea border workPost-Brexit problems likely to be aggravations rather than a big crisisThu Jan 07 2021 - 05:00
Newton Emerson: Covid means North has to relearn dangers of having too much moneyUS diplomat Martha Pope ahead of her time with observations on excess funding in 1997Thu Dec 31 2020 - 05:00
Newton Emerson: English Channel disruption is the futureThe question for Ireland is whether its lorries and ferries will be waved through the barricadesThu Dec 24 2020 - 00:00
Newton Emerson: Unionists facing citizenship conundrum after BrexitWho will a US company give the EU sales job to, an Irish or British passport holder?Thu Dec 17 2020 - 00:00
Newton Emerson: Foster’s lack of control over DUP is one of Brexit’s original sinsFirst Minister risks highlighting splits within her own party if she lauds sea border dealThu Dec 10 2020 - 00:00
Newton Emerson: Unionists will not get desired balance from public inquiriesThe Troubles will be seen through landmark cases such as Pat Finucane and the La MonThu Dec 03 2020 - 01:15
Newton Emerson: Joe Biden’s Brexit remarks show an opportunity for unionismUS president-elect did not seem like someone yearning to push for difficult change in IrelandThu Nov 26 2020 - 00:00
Sinn Féin is still trying to wish away economic realities of a united IrelandNewton Emerson: Party is peddling frustrating nonsense about the UK subventionThu Nov 19 2020 - 00:00
EU reveals indifference as it takes its threat to North’s food supply to the wireCommission is oblivious to rare show of Stormont unityThu Nov 12 2020 - 00:00
Success on housing in North could be Sinn Féin’s route to government in SouthParty on serious manoeuvres as its Minister outlines social housing reform in StormontThu Nov 05 2020 - 00:00
Newton Emerson: Money talks and waffle walks in Shared Island initiativeIf Republic really aspires to unity, it needs to show North the colour of its moneyThu Oct 29 2020 - 00:00
Newton Emerson: The North is not the reason there cannot be all-Ireland zero-CovidThe Government would not be pursuing zero-Covid strategy even in a united IrelandThu Oct 22 2020 - 00:00
Newton Emerson: Covid decisions highlight Stormont's design flawsSystem may not be ideal but aiming for all-party consensus in a pandemic is absurdThu Oct 15 2020 - 00:26
Newton Emerson: America’s real role in peace process has been leaning on Sinn FéinAny reversal of US policy due to Brexit should be handled with careThu Oct 08 2020 - 00:01
Bloody Sunday decision on soldiers shows limits of ‘truth or justice’ modelNewton Emerson: Approach does not satisfy the bereaved or resolve legacy issuesThu Oct 01 2020 - 00:00
Newton Emerson: Coronavirus has been good for Northern politicsVoter behaviour is forcing two big parties to get their act together against the virusThu Sept 24 2020 - 00:00
Newton Emerson: Brussels is threatening the North's food supplyBoth the EU and UK are cynically using Northern Ireland as a bargaining chipThu Sept 17 2020 - 00:00
Newton Emerson: London seeks to push North away to try to keep EU rules at bayBoris Johnson’s government will always choose its vision of Brexit over North’s place in unionThu Sept 10 2020 - 01:00
Political cowardice in Stormont adding to Republic’s electricity billsMedia pandering to tinfoil hat nonsense delaying new North-South interconnectorThu Sept 03 2020 - 00:01
Newton Emerson: Ireland, North and South, will miss Phil Hogan’s voice on BrexitEU trade commissioner had shown he was able to see the issue on an Irish and British scaleThu Aug 27 2020 - 00:00
Newton Emerson: North’s grading mess shows pointlessness of GCSEsDitching exams at 16 could let Northern Ireland transform its faltering school systemThu Aug 20 2020 - 06:00
Newton Emerson: The North’s attitude to university fees is causing a brain drainA policy designed to help young people get into university has had the opposite effectThu Aug 13 2020 - 00:00
Newton Emerson: Stormont was not the centre of John Hume’s visionThe North-South Ministerial Council is where he hoped the future would be builtThu Aug 06 2020 - 00:01
Newton Emerson: Fading myth of the North’s world-beating schoolsMiddle-classes guard ‘their’ grammar schools, but a third of children leave school with few or no qualificationsThu Jul 30 2020 - 00:00
Newton Emerson: The reality is Sinn Féin still needs to be house-trainedIt is in everyone’s interests to clean up the ‘republican movement’Thu Jul 23 2020 - 00:00
Newton Emerson: Socially distanced Twelfth saw Orange Order finally ditch the rabbleOrganisation does not organise bonfires, put up flags or run flute bands but has struggled to disassociate itself from these practicesThu Jul 16 2020 - 00:00
Newton Emerson: Funeral raises questions over how much SF president McDonald is in chargeNorth’s parties are tired of constantly second-guessing shadowy forces behind Sinn FéinThu Jul 09 2020 - 00:00
Newton Emerson: A unionist-free Seanad? Nobody minds reallyGovernment’s omission is merely an understandable outworking of politicsThu Jul 02 2020 - 00:00
Newton Emerson: Why we need to talk about Dublin and BelfastForget well-meaning waffle, could the North and South administrations work together?Thu Jun 25 2020 - 06:30
Newton Emerson: Northern Irish Greens’ fingerprints all over programme for governmentTheir support will be crucial in getting the deal over the line with party membersThu Jun 18 2020 - 00:00
Newton Emerson: The North’s approach to difficult statues is adding rather than removingNone of the city’s handful of landmark statues is now thought worth fighting overThu Jun 11 2020 - 00:00
Newton Emerson: Brussels playing games with Irish sea borderHard line on checks at odds with EU commitment to peace processThu Jun 04 2020 - 01:54
Newton Emerson: UK is failing the people of Hong Kong for a second timeAssertive diplomacy with China would be more use than talk of extending nationalityThu May 28 2020 - 01:27
Newton Emerson: The real U-turn on a Brexit sea border has been by the DUPThe unionist party has performed a reverse ferret worthy of Boris Johnson himselfThu May 21 2020 - 02:05
Newton Emerson: North’s lockdown exit plan marks a big leap by Sinn FéinSF-DUP truce at Stormont will come under pressure as pandemic measures are easedThu May 14 2020 - 02:00