Regional Reporting

Sir, - On behalf of the Irish Assembly of Regional Authorities, I would like to compliment The Irish Times for recently appointing…

Sir, - On behalf of the Irish Assembly of Regional Authorities, I would like to compliment The Irish Times for recently appointing a regional affairs correspondent. It would appear that the Government is committed to a policy of regionalisation and is serious about devolving power to the regional/local level.

Since their establishment in 1994, Regional Authorities have endeavoured to promote the concept of regionalism and balanced spatial development in Ireland. The views of the Regional Authorities were most recently spelled out in regard to development priorities in the Border, Midlands and West Development Strategy and the Southern and Eastern Development Strategy presented to the Minister for Finance last week.

The Irish Times has listened attentively to the concerns of the regions, as articulated by the Regional Authorities, the community, voluntary and farming sectors in both the run up to the Government's application to EUROSTAT for Structural and Cohesion Funds and the current process of drafting the National Development Plan 2000-2006.

Moreover, the editorial decision to report on local and regional events by way of your weekly regional coverage (Out of the West etc.) is to be welcomed and offers local communities access to national headlines, as well as bringing a glimpse of life in the regions to the country as a whole. - Yours, etc.,


James Stone, Secretary, Irish Assembly of Regional Authorities, Bridge Street, Tullamore, Co Offaly.