Nama and the Dublin Mountains

Sir, – Mountaineering Ireland welcomes your report of Minister of State for Heritage Michael Ring's statement to the Dáil that it would be in the public interest for the State to acquire some 4,900 acres of land in the Dublin Mountains that is currently being sold by Nama ("Ring expresses 'worry' about Nama land valuations", July 21st).

The land is in the Featherbeds/ Glenasmole area and adjoins Wicklow Mountains National Park. It is a vital bulwark between Dublin City and the Wicklow Mountains and has drawn generations of people for passive and active recreation and for its visual amenity.

The topography and planning constraints render the land unsuitable for commercial development. Mountaineering Ireland believes that this environmental, recreational and cultural asset should be protected for long-term public enjoyment as part of Wicklow Mountains National Park. – Yours, etc,




Mountaineering Ireland,


Dublin 15.