French presidential election

Sir, – The atrocities in Ukraine and the resulting humanitarian crisis mean that western solidarity and EU leadership are pivotal.

This, however, would be greatly undermined should far-right candidate Marine Le Pen be elected as French president.

President Macron’s early leadership regarding the Ukraine crisis brought him domestic popularity, but this has begun to falter as the cost of living crisis takes hold.

While Ms Le Pen no longer advocates a French exit from the EU and dropping the euro, her stance on immigration and previous friendliness with Russia could have devastating effects for Europe if she is elected. In 2014 she asserted that the annexation of Crimea was not illegal, and in the same year she obtained a €9 million loan from a Russian bank that has since been dissolved (her party is still repaying this loan).


At a time when Ukraine requires EU support, it would prove immensely damaging for such a prominent nation to elect a candidate that has long been sympathetic to Russia, especially considering Viktor Orban’s recent victory in Hungary and Aleksandar Vucic’s in Serbia.

Whether Mr Macron is the ideal leader or not, Ms Le Pen should be avoided at all costs. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.

Sir, – There seem to be alarm bells ringing at the prospect of Marine Le Pen winning the presidential election in France

I find it quite disturbing that the mass hysteria from the left should be entertained in all national newspapers .

I hope Ms Le Pen wins, as it might shake up the system in the European Union, and bring a realisation to it that right-wing politics actually does have a place in society. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 9.