Adoption Assessments

Sir, - A number of generalised allegations have been made recently about the attitude of some social workers carrying out adoption…

Sir, - A number of generalised allegations have been made recently about the attitude of some social workers carrying out adoption assessments in the Eastern Health Board area. The only way in which such allegations can be investigated is if people are prepared to cite specific instances where they occurred.

In fairness, and in natural justice to prospective adoptive parents and to our own staff, we are extremely anxious to investigate any such allegations. However, we can only do so if we are provided with the names of social workers against whom complaints are being made.

If anybody is prepared to provide us with names we will carry out an immediate investigation. Any complaints should be sent to me at Dr Steevens's Hospital.

Complaints concerning this or any of our services can also be made to our Director of Complaints & Appeals, Ms Ann McKeon, at Block 1, St. James's Hospital, James Street, Dublin 8.


Our board recently met a deputation representing the Irish Foreign Adoption Group where a number of concerns were expressed about the attitude of some staff carrying out assessments. We assured the deputation that we would be extremely anxious to investigate these allegations if they were prepared to provide us with names and specific instances.

We believe that it is very unfair to our staff to make allegations without providing us with the details to allow us to carry out investigations into these allegations.

As an indication of our board's commitment to providing a service for persons who are anxious to adopt from overseas, the staff of our inter-country adoption team - the only one of its kind in the country - has been increased from six to nine in the current year. All social workers in the team have opted to work on this service.

Up to last June, our staff had completed assessments on a total of 549 applications from prospective parents who wish to adopt children abroad - Yours, etc., Paul Harrison, Director,

Child Care & Family Services, Eastern Health Board, Dr. Steevens' Hospital,Dublin 8.