Get Running Week 7: the finish line is in sight

This week, you’ll run for 25 minutes, only five minutes off the 30-minute target

Well, you’re nearly there: this week, you’ll run for 25 minutes, only five minutes off the 30-minute target. This week’s training plan and video include techniques for becoming lighter on your feet in order to reduce the impact of running on the rest of your body.

We’ll also look at which running surfaces are least hard on your body. Most of us run on paths and the side of the road: in the video I assess treadmill, road, sand, grass, trail. There are also tips for being lighter on your feet in order to reduce the impact on your legs.

This time next week you will be planning your 30-minute run, but you could try a 5km park run this weekend, without running the whole thing.

Here’s some advice I gave to a Get Runner who joined a recent online Q&A session. She had entered a 5k race at the end of her Week 6:


“The most important thing is to pace yourself at the start of the race. You will find the atmosphere and adrenaline at the start of the 5k will encourage you to start faster than your usual pace. Start at the back of the bunch, and run slowly.

It is really important that you enjoy this race experience, so don’t set yourself any time targets. Your goal should be to finish and enjoy it. Soon you will be able to run the whole distance.”

We’ll be exploring the 5k goal next week, in the last part of the programme.