Pushing the envelope

It takes a while, but this paean to the post service gets its message across

The Last Post

The Mart, Rathmines


A gentle paean to the postal service, which mingles performance, documentary material and art installation, this debut production from Just The Lads has a modest desire to push the envelope. Its promenade methods have a certain correspondence with WillFredd Theatre's recent Farm, and here the quirky analogue methods becomes an unhurried way to deliver a simple message.


It’s hardly news that letter writing has been stamped out by digital alternatives, but the focus here is on how the social aspect of communication – and the encounters that make a community - has also been eroded.

We encounter a small stack of personalities, young and energetic, who sort us into different routes through the space: from playful letter processing, through recorded anecdotes from real posties, a frankly creepy encounter with a sweet old lady and a Christmas flurry of activity. Working without a director, the company allows various ideas to become scattered (if the institution is haemorrhaging staff, it seems ill-considered to address us as new recruits) but it gets by on brio, nostalgia and the poignant awareness that the fate of post may be sealed.

Until Sept 14

Peter Crawley

Peter Crawley

Peter Crawley, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about theatre, television and other aspects of culture