Newton Emerson: DUP Tory deal will make NI politics more complicatedOpinion: Belfast Agreement requires the British government to act with impartialityThu Jun 22 2017 - 02:00
The next loyalist death lands at Downing Street’s doorUnionist violence will no longer be compartmentalised following a DUP-Tory dealThu Jun 15 2017 - 02:00
A DUP-Tory alliance could make unionism unacceptableThe deal would have implications for Brexit, Stormont and Northern Irish societyMon Jun 12 2017 - 01:00
Newton Emerson: Why nationalism needs a Tory TaoiseachLeo Varadkar’s centre-right economic views essential to securing a united IrelandThu Jun 08 2017 - 02:00
Newton Emerson: A DUP victory will not be enoughSimply beating Sinn Féin may expose lack of policy to expand unionist appealThu Jun 01 2017 - 02:00
Newton Emerson: Corbyn’s view of North stuck in a time warpNotion of NI as former British colony was laid to rest with the Belfast AgreementThu May 25 2017 - 02:00
Newton Emerson: A Chinese lesson for CoveneyHong Kong’s anti-graft agency serves as a model for Minister’s campaign centrepieceThu May 18 2017 - 02:00
Newton Emerson: Dublin parties can resurrect StormontSinn Féin’s desire to enter a coalition in the South gives FF and FG leverage over the partyThu May 11 2017 - 02:00
Newton Emerson: Brexit is killing a ‘new Ireland’EU stance erases the question of whether Irish unity would mean an entirely new stateThu May 04 2017 - 02:00
Newton Emerson: Small NI hospitals are doomed, dangerousNuns and DUP ministers may be the last people on the island who concur with each otherThu Apr 27 2017 - 02:00
Newton Emerson: Snap election complicates Stormont stand-offTheresa May’s move may throw a spanner into talks on forming a devolved governmentThu Apr 20 2017 - 16:45
Newton Emerson: What is North’s policy on jobs and immigration?British government wants to use Brexit to substitute migrant workers with the unemployedThu Apr 20 2017 - 16:40
Newton Emerson: Stormont powers and further rows‘If there were fewer powers and fewer people wielding them, would there be less arguing?’Thu Apr 06 2017 - 01:00
The Troubles did not find Martin McGuinness. He found themExtent to which most got through Northern conflict by ignoring it is bizarre to recallThu Mar 30 2017 - 09:24
United Ireland most likely option if unionists outvotedChallenge would be how to treat demands of British minority once motion passedThu Mar 23 2017 - 10:06
Adams may have found key to North-South appealUnionism has provoked nationalism into a thrilling tribal slap-downThu Mar 16 2017 - 09:37
Notion of ‘joint authority’ in North is all smoke and mirrorsThis codology is powerful enough delusion to undermine support for StormontThu Mar 09 2017 - 02:00
In wake of election, Sinn Féin sets its sights beyond StormontArlene Foster’s success at raising the republican vote has changed the landscapeMon Mar 06 2017 - 10:54
Latest Adams 'crisis' needs a Tory bogeymanHow will Sinn Féin keep ‘disrespect’ row alive with no Executive to be disrespected in?Thu Mar 02 2017 - 02:00
Stormont’s balance may be about to get downgradedSinn Féin’s demand that Arlene Foster leave compels DUP to consider ‘dual leadership’Thu Feb 23 2017 - 06:00
Newton Emerson: Nesbitt like a man who ponders but cannot plotUUP’s eccentric leadership no match for cynical rule changes given to SF and DUPThu Feb 16 2017 - 02:00
Newton Emerson: Time for the Sinn Féin crocodile to be fedStormont’s veto system has worked so far, but the next generation will expect moreThu Feb 09 2017 - 02:00
Newton Emerson: Sinn Féin softens Stormont and Brexit demandsPragmatism from party is connected to its prospects south of the BorderThu Feb 02 2017 - 02:00
Some in Northern Ireland still want a Brexit problemTaking North out of EU does not breach Belfast Agreement and it is highly irresponsible to claim otherwiseThu Jan 26 2017 - 02:00
Newton Emerson: Unionists’ suspicions do not match realityGerry Adams may relish playing crisis politics, but he did not escalate ‘cash for ash’ rowThu Jan 19 2017 - 09:47
Nationalists must stop using equality as flag of convenience‘Unionism is British nationalism, and two nationalisms cannot have equal standing’Thu Jan 12 2017 - 02:00
Newton Emerson: Martin McGuinness’s departure represents failure on all sidesUnionists about to be taught lesson they never learn: deal with nationalism nowTue Jan 10 2017 - 09:19
Newton Emerson: ‘Cash for Ash’ reveals fragility of North’s existenceAdministrative incompetence a bigger threat to union than bomb everyone seems to be braced forWed Jan 04 2017 - 13:49
Newton Emerson: Nobody in NI believes in self-relianceBoth sides have been cheaply bought by those who march them around in circles,Thu Dec 29 2016 - 05:00
Britain starting to get serious about a Federal UKThe Scottish National Party has bought into the idea of federalism saving the unionThu Dec 22 2016 - 05:00
Newton Emerson: Arlene Foster burns in fire of own makingFoster’s character leaves her unable to be responsible or civil or recognise limitsTue Dec 20 2016 - 01:00
Newton Emerson: Truth without justice will not be enough in the NorthAdams’s handling of the Stack case is in line with past – and imperfect – agreementsThu Dec 15 2016 - 05:00
Northern Ireland baulks at the panda in the roomSimilarity between Belfast Agreement and Hong Kong handover is great unmentionableThu Dec 08 2016 - 05:00
Pope’s visit gives pause for thought for Paisley’s childrenProtestants must reassess Paisleyism and his bizarre anti-papist rhetoricThu Dec 01 2016 - 05:00
Newton Emerson: Walking into the trap of the Sinn Féin numbers gameParty’s campaign video seeks to convince voters that North is an economic miracleThu Nov 24 2016 - 03:00
Newton Emerson: All Arlene Foster is learning in office is arroganceBrusque DUP First Minister needs to tone down the tantrumsThu Nov 17 2016 - 01:00
Middle-class sectarianism claims are a terrible clichéViolence of UDA and UVF still being traced to North’s drawing roomsThu Nov 10 2016 - 05:00
Newton Emerson: Brexit is no worse than a united IrelandIt is self-defeating for nationalists to be scaremongering about effects of UK voteThu Nov 03 2016 - 05:00
Newton Emerson: Irish mistrust is the real threat to North’s peaceHuman rights are sewn into the Belfast Agreement, which the UK will not breachThu Oct 27 2016 - 01:00
Newton Emerson: Unionists right to boycott Kenny’s Brexit forumCross-Border discussions already possible and real talks will be between Dublin and LondonThu Oct 20 2016 - 05:00
Newton Emerson: We could not reinstate the Border even if we wanted toHysteria about a post-Brexit Border from the 1950s is in danger of tipping over into farceThu Oct 13 2016 - 05:00
Newton Emerson: Move to ban ‘Sun’ in North hypocriticalThe attempted suppression of a paper by political parties is clearly an act of oppressionThu Oct 06 2016 - 01:00
Unionism needs to find its Neil Kinnock to take on the extremistsUnlike Sinn Féin, unionists have yet to confront the cranks in their ranksThu Sept 29 2016 - 05:00
Newton Emerson: Jamie Bryson is a remarkably dangerous peaceful personHe testified against the DUP over Nama, then exposed SF for trying to coach himThu Sept 22 2016 - 01:00
Newton Emerson: The North is riddled with nepotismPractice is intrinsic and inevitable in such a very small place but we choose to ignore itThu Sept 15 2016 - 00:50
Newton Emerson: I do not feel Irish in the slightestFor people my age Northern Ireland really was as British as FinchleyTue Sept 13 2016 - 01:00
Newton Emerson: An ode to Belfast HarbourDespite Titanic Belfast the former industrial wasteland is still well worth a visitThu Sept 08 2016 - 01:01
Newton Emerson: Trouble noticeable by its absence in Belfast this summerOver 2,500 marches have taken place with less bloodshed than at Notting Hill CarnivalThu Sept 01 2016 - 00:23
McKay witness scandal is just the latest blow to the onward march of Sinn FéinNewton Emerson: It looks like this attempt to move the party upmarket is becoming increasingly ad hoc as it fails to produce any stand-out performersThu Aug 25 2016 - 01:22
Newton Emerson: Takeover of UK Labour Party in North all too easyLabour membership in Northern Ireland up tenfold as a consequence of Jeremy CorbynThu Aug 18 2016 - 01:00