'Independent' loses appeal on libel awardIndependent Newspapers failed in its appeal to the European Court of Human Rights in which it argued that Irish court safeguards…Fri Jun 17 2005 - 01:00
No complaint to EU over bar licensingThe European Commission has not received complaints about Ireland's pub licensing rules, and would be unlikely to seek their …Thu Jun 16 2005 - 01:00
FF TDs to seek more changes to McDowell drink lawsFianna Fáil TDs intend to seek further changes to the Government's plans to update Ireland's drinking laws, following a meeting…Wed Jun 15 2005 - 01:00
Ahern gives new pledges to disability groupsTaoiseach Bertie Ahern has given further guarantees to disability organisations to help win their support for the Disability …Wed Jun 15 2005 - 01:00
State security outside remit of Garda reform bodyThe proposed Garda Ombudsman Commission cannot inspect files dealing with State security without notice, Minister for Justice…Tue Jun 14 2005 - 01:00
Hain says IRA statement must be credibleThe IRA should not be rushed into publishing its response to calls that the organisation should end paramilitarism and eventually…Tue Jun 14 2005 - 01:00
Vintners proposed easing restaurant licencesThe biggest publicans in the State last month suggested that the proposal to create cafe bars should be dropped in favour of …Tue Jun 14 2005 - 01:00
Minister insists Cabinet united on cafes despite FF objectionsMinister for Justice Michael McDowell has insisted he has Cabinet support to introduce cafe-style bars.Sat Jun 11 2005 - 01:00
Make nursing home reports public - O'ReillyNursing home inspection reports, including personally sensitive information about the owners of such properties, must be available…Fri Jun 10 2005 - 01:00
Hospital accused of 'obstructing' inquiriesThe National Maternity Hospital in Holles Street, Dublin has been accused by the Information Commissioner of "obstructing" her…Fri Jun 10 2005 - 01:00
Ministers refuse to accept libel law changesFianna Fáil Cabinet ministers have refused to accept the Minister for Justice, Michael McDowell's libel law changes unless new…Fri Jun 03 2005 - 01:00
McDowell defends garda commissionerGarda Commissioner Noel Conroy is "a man of transcendent honesty and modesty", who has been unfairly attacked, the Minister for…Fri Jun 03 2005 - 01:00
Judge refers to 'scandalous neglect of duty' by gardaiRichie Barron investigation: Before 1am on October 14th, 1996, Richie Barron's body was found lying on the road 600 metres outside…Thu Jun 02 2005 - 01:00
Gardai to account for actions or face dismissalMinister's press conference: Members of the Garda Síochána will be required to account for their actions under tough new disciplinary…Thu Jun 02 2005 - 01:00
French could vote again - AhernIrish reaction: France could hold a second referendum on the EU constitution if minor changes were made that did not affect …Tue May 31 2005 - 01:00
Government's position 'absurd'Irish Opposition: The Government's declared determination to proceed with a European Union constitution referendum is "absurd…Tue May 31 2005 - 01:00
Government treating disabled with 'complete disrespect 'Disability: Disabled people currently able to live independently will be forced into institutions under the new Disability Bill…Mon May 30 2005 - 01:00
Delegates told Irish firms exploiting foreign workersLabour and taxation: Irish employers are exploiting migrant foreign labour as much if not more than the Turkish construction…Mon May 30 2005 - 01:00
Labour and FG to start talks on pre-general election pactLabour and Fine Gael are to open preliminary discussions shortly on a pre-general election policy pact, following the Labour …Mon May 30 2005 - 01:00
Ahern calls for shared trading strategyNorthern Ireland and the Republic must co-operate economically to face global challenges, the Taoiseach has said.Sat May 28 2005 - 01:00
Violence continues to fall, says TaoiseachParamilitary violence in Northern Ireland continues to fall, Taoiseach Bertie Ahern said following the publication of the latest…Wed May 25 2005 - 01:00
Union leader opposes 'cynical' FG pactFine Gael is "cynically" using Labour to increase its own support by offering a pre-election pact, a leading trade unionist has…Wed May 25 2005 - 01:00
Durkan calls for progress on institutionsProgress must be made to get Northern Ireland's political institutions back up and running now that the Westminster elections…Tue May 24 2005 - 01:00
1974 bombings inquiry to cost €600,000The independent inquiry into the 1974 Dublin and Monaghan car bombings, which killed 33 people, will cost over €600,000, according…Tue May 24 2005 - 01:00
Family has confidence in PSNI inquiry into killingThe investigation into the murder of Robert McCartney has not been delayed by the Police Service of Northern Ireland, according…Tue Apr 12 2005 - 01:00
Ahern expresses his 'great sorrow'Political reaction: Political leaders united yesterday to pay tribute to Pope John PaulMon Apr 04 2005 - 01:00
Security industry warned on standardsCompetition in the security industry cannot be allowed "to drive standards down to the floor", the Minister for Justice has said…Fri Apr 01 2005 - 01:00
More rights for disabled air travellersElderly and disabled air travellers will be entitled to extra help for free from airports and airlines during their journeys …Tue Mar 29 2005 - 01:00
Garda shadow hangs over ambushWill the inquiry into the killing of two RUC men substantiate the allegation that a Garda informer was involved, asks Mark Hennessy…Sat Mar 26 2005 - 00:00
U-turn was right thing to do, says McDowellThe decision to let Nigerian student Olukunle Elukanlo return to Ireland was "the right thing to do", Minister for Justice Michael…Fri Mar 25 2005 - 00:00
Garda vow to aid RUC deaths tribunalAn Garda Síochána has promised to co-operate fully with a tribunal of inquiry into allegations that a Garda informer was involved…Thu Mar 24 2005 - 00:00
Farm close to prison site sold for one-fifth of priceA farm four miles from the one bought by the Government recently for nearly €30 million as a site for a new prison was sold yesterday…Thu Mar 24 2005 - 00:00
EU and US differ over arms embargo, says BrutonUS: The European Union has not understood the United States' deep concerns about the EU's plans to lift an arms embargo on China…Mon Mar 21 2005 - 00:00
SDLP leader warns of orchestrated violenceSinn Féin and the IRA may orchestrate violence in nationalist and republican areas in Northern Ireland during the coming marching…Sat Mar 19 2005 - 00:00
Bush pays tribute to bravery of McCartney familyPresident George Bush yesterday saluted the bravery of the sisters and partner of the Belfast man, Robert McCartney, who was …Fri Mar 18 2005 - 00:00
Taoiseach getting kitted out with sportswear StatesideTaoiseach Bertie Ahern is making a habit of picking up sporting jerseys during this year's St Patrick's celebrations in the United…Thu Mar 17 2005 - 00:00
Ahern urges Irish-Americans to stay loyalTaoiseach Bertie Ahern last night urged the Irish-American community to continue to back the peace process.Thu Mar 17 2005 - 00:00
Congressman fears IRA has lost disciplineThe killing of Robert McCartney in Belfast and allegations that it had been involved in a series of major robberies raised serious…Wed Mar 16 2005 - 00:00
Taoiseach's work for peace in NI recognisedTaoiseach Bertie Ahern has received an honorary doctorate from Le Moyne College in New York State in recognition of his work …Wed Mar 16 2005 - 00:00
Martin urged to explain meeting with KellyThe former top civil servant in the Department of Health met the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Micheál Martin…Mon Mar 14 2005 - 00:00
Attempt to limit Finucane inquiry criticisedAn attempt by Britain to limit the scope of an inquiry into the killing of Belfast solicitor Pat Finucane would make an independent…Mon Mar 14 2005 - 00:00
Britain resists public Finucane inquiryBritain has refused to make any concessions to the Government over plans to hold an inquiry in private into the killing of Belfast…Sat Mar 12 2005 - 00:00
First-count results in Kildare and Meath expected at tea-timeThe first-count results in the Kildare North and Meath byelections are expected to be announced at tea-time todaySat Mar 12 2005 - 00:00
Inquiry on Finucane criticisedThe British government's plan to hold a limited inquiry into the killing of Belfast solicitor Pat Finucane is "not satisfactory…Thu Mar 10 2005 - 00:00
IRA offer to shoot killers of McCartney condemnedThe sisters of murder victim Robert McCartney have rejected an IRA offer to have his killers shotWed Mar 09 2005 - 00:00
McDowell says IRA is living in a twilight zoneDublin reaction: The IRA's offer to shoot the men who killed Robert McCartney showed that the organisation is now in a moral…Wed Mar 09 2005 - 00:00
Party lays claim to Fenian dead but recent past loomsMood of delegates: Sinn Féin believes it knows where the bodies of William Philip Allen, Michael Larkin and Michael O'Brien …Mon Mar 07 2005 - 00:00
Progress made on policing talks, says KellyPolicing: Sinn Féin had made very substantial progress in negotiations to bring about improvements in policing in Northern Ireland…Mon Mar 07 2005 - 00:00
Message of support from McCabe killersPrisoners: The IRA prisoners jailed for killing Det Garda Jerry McCabe have expressed their "complete support" for Sinn Féin…Mon Mar 07 2005 - 00:00
Never mind the quantity, quality of housing is the issueLike others of my trade, I have spent some of the last few weeks travelling around the new housing estates of Meath and Kildare…Sat Mar 05 2005 - 00:00