Call to overhaul system that fails vulnerable childrenCHILD PROTECTION GROUPS: FAILURE TO correct the inadequacies in Irish child protection services will only serve to compound …Wed May 27 2009 - 01:00
Cardinal says any new deal must focus on victimsBISHOPS' RESPONSE: CATHOLIC PRIMATE Cardinal Seán Brady has said any new compensation deal for victims of abuse in religious…Tue May 26 2009 - 01:00
Brothers pledge resourcesThe Christian Brothers has accepted it has a “moral obligation” to people who were abused under its care and plans to review …Tue May 26 2009 - 01:00
Statement by Orders 'an emotional stunt'Victims’ advocate Christine Buckley has described yesterday’s statement by religious congregations reiterating their commitment…Tue May 26 2009 - 01:00
Bishops urged to consider expelling ordersVICTIMS OF ABUSE: BISHOPS SHOULD consider expelling religious congregations from their dioceses if they fail to adequately compensate…Tue May 26 2009 - 01:00
Call for overhaul of child servicesFailure to correct the inadequacies of child protection services in Ireland will only serve to compound the “national shame” …Tue May 26 2009 - 01:00
State must 'face up' to wrongs doneIrish society must “fully face up to” to the wrongs that were done to children while under the care of the State, the Minister…Wed May 20 2009 - 01:00
Call for ethnic status for TravellersLocal election candidates have been urged to support a campaign to have ethnic minority status granted to Travellers.Wed May 20 2009 - 01:00
Cori asks voters to back those who prioritise 'common good'WELFARE STATE: THE CONFERENCE of Religious in Ireland (Cori) has urged voters to support candidates in the upcoming elections…Tue May 19 2009 - 01:00
Prioritise 'common good', says CoriThe Conference of Religious in Ireland (Cori) has urged voters to support candidates in the upcoming elections who will prioritise…Mon May 18 2009 - 01:00
Work is good for your healthBACK PAIN, muscular strain and arthritis are the most common work-related illnesses in Ireland and account for half of all sick…Tue May 12 2009 - 01:00
Cutbacks hit disability guidelinesNew guidelines on the quality of residential care for people with disabilities will not be implemented on a statutory basis due…Mon May 11 2009 - 01:00
Overseas travel by Irish residents fell by 15.4% in March, CSO figures showOVERSEAS TRIPS by Irish residents fell by 15Sat May 09 2009 - 01:00
Back pain most common work illnessBack pain, muscular strain and arthritis are the most common work-related illnesses in Ireland and account for half of all sick…Thu May 07 2009 - 01:00
Eight buzzards killed in suspected poisoningsEIGHT RARE buzzards have been killed in suspected poisoning incidents in the northeast in the last two months.Wed May 06 2009 - 01:00
Dublin-based mother pleads for release of daughter facing executionTHE DUBLIN-based mother of a pregnant British woman who faces execution by firing squad if convicted of drug smuggling in Laos…Tue May 05 2009 - 01:00
Concern at 17-hour delay in search for missing helicopterA PRELIMINARY report into a helicopter crash in Co Kildare last month in which a flight instructor and a trainee pilot were killed…Sat May 02 2009 - 01:00
Novelist O'Brien to receive awardNovelist Edna O’Brien is to be honoured with a special lifetime achievement award at this year’s Irish Book Awards.Fri May 01 2009 - 01:00
Concern over helicopter crash delayA preliminary report into a helicopter crash in Co Kildare last month in which a flight instructor and a trainee pilot were killed…Fri May 01 2009 - 01:00
Experts still unclear over how illness spreadsSCIENTIFIC VIEW: A LEADING Irish influenza expert said it was unclear how easily the swine flu spread between humans and too…Fri May 01 2009 - 01:00
Rare fish eagles found poisonedThe poisoned carcasses of two rare white-tailed sea eagles have been discovered in the Waterville area of south west Kerry.Fri May 01 2009 - 01:00
New car registrations fall 64%The number of new cars registered last month fell nearly 64 per cent on the same period in 2008, the latest figures from the …Wed Apr 29 2009 - 01:00
Govt 'paralysed' in face of jobless numbersThe Government is “paralysed” and unable to lead the country out of the current economic crisis, according Fine Gael deputy leader…Wed Apr 29 2009 - 01:00
ESRI report 'damning' of GovtOpposition parties said today the latest report from Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), which indicates that gross…Wed Apr 29 2009 - 01:00
Irish neurologist awarded for researchA LEADING Irish neurologist is to receive a prestigious award from the American Academy of Neurology for her research into the…Tue Apr 28 2009 - 01:00
IPU calls for support in repealing legislationTHE REPRESENTATIVE body for pharmacists is seeking to enlist other medical groups in a campaign to repeal legislation allowing…Tue Apr 28 2009 - 01:00
Cowen defends his stewardship of party at Arbour Hill commemorationTAOISEACH BRIAN Cowen defended his stewardship of the economy at the annual Fianna Fáil commemoration of the 1916 Rising at Arbour…Mon Apr 27 2009 - 01:00
Parents 'unaware' of meningitis strainsMost Irish parents are unaware of the strains of meningitis which are preventable by vaccine, according to a support group for…Wed Apr 22 2009 - 01:00
Volunteering to do their bitSince the recession hit, there has been a marked upturn in people helping others, writes EOIN BURKE-KENNEDY.Tue Apr 21 2009 - 01:00
VRT not paid on a sixth of imported vehiclesMORE THAN one in six of vehicles stopped in recent checks by gardaí and Revenue officials were found to have Vehicle Registration…Tue Apr 21 2009 - 01:00
Vehicles seized for non-VRT paymentRevenue officials have seized nearly 300 vehicles, most of which were imported from the North, for non-payment of Vehicle Registration…Mon Apr 20 2009 - 01:00
Hanafin publishes social welfare billLegislation to enact the social welfare changes contained in the Budget, including the controversial scrapping of the early childcare…Fri Apr 17 2009 - 01:00
IMO warns on legacy of health cutsThe Irish Medical Organisation has warned that “indiscriminate” health cuts will limit services resulting in a sicker population…Fri Apr 17 2009 - 01:00
Transgender conference opensIreland remains one of only two countries in Europe that fails to afford any legal recognition or rights to transgender people…Fri Apr 17 2009 - 01:00
Hundreds of taxi drivers stage Dublin protest over deregulation of industryHUNDREDS OF taxi drivers yesterday staged a protest through the streets of Dublin and outside the offices of the Commission for…Fri Apr 17 2009 - 01:00
Protest at Department of FinanceUp to 40 third-level students staged a protest outside the Department of Finance in Dublin today at the planned reintroduction…Thu Apr 16 2009 - 01:00
Recession linked to crime, alcoholThe recession may lead to higher rates of crime and alcohol consumption, it was warned today.Thu Apr 09 2009 - 01:00
Forum on Europe to be shut downThe Government is to close down the National Forum on Europe in a further effort to curtail public expenditure.Thu Apr 09 2009 - 01:00
Eclectic shortlist for Irish Book AwardsNOVELIST SEBASTIAN Barry, TV chef Rachel Allen and rugby star Ronan O’Gara are among the eclectic list of authors and celebrities…Wed Apr 01 2009 - 01:00
Barry, Allen and O'Gara shortlisted for book awardsNovelist Sebastian Barry, TV chef Rachel Allen and rugby star Ronan O’Gara are among the eclectic list of authors and celebrities…Tue Mar 31 2009 - 01:00
SR Technics to lay off up to 700 workers next monthThe management of troubled aviation firm SR Technics has told unions it intends to terminate the contracts of up to 600 workers…Thu Mar 19 2009 - 00:00
Special needs review is excuse for cuts, Impact saysThe Department of Education’s move to review the allocation of special needs assistants (SNAs) to schools could pave the way …Thu Mar 19 2009 - 00:00
Dáil unites to condemn dissident violenceIrish people, north and south, are united like never before in their condemnation of recent attacks by dissident republicans, …Wed Mar 11 2009 - 00:00
Emergency budget to be delivered on April 7thThe Government is to deliver its emergency budget aimed at stabilising the public finances on Tuesday April 7th, Taoiseach Brian…Wed Mar 11 2009 - 00:00
Bishop Magee steps aside over Cloyne controversyBishop John Magee of Cloyne has been replaced in his diocesan duties following criticism over his handling of child abuse cases…Sat Mar 07 2009 - 00:00
Poisoning of Donegal eagle described as 'reckless'The killing of a rare golden eagle in Co Donegal was an act of "reckless poisoning" which threatened the viability of the eagle…Wed Mar 04 2009 - 00:00
Four GAA captains to jointly marshal paradeTHE FOUR captains of last year’s senior GAA cup championship winning sides will jointly marshal the St Patrick’s Day parade in…Tue Mar 03 2009 - 00:00
Popular authors set to be paid for library loansPopular authors such as Marian Keyes, Cathy Kelly and Cecelia Ahern are set to earn up to €8,000 a year from the State under …Tue Mar 03 2009 - 00:00
GAA winning captains to head St Patrick's paradeTo mark the GAA’s 125th anniversary, the four captains of last year’s senior cup championship winning sides will jointly marshal…Mon Mar 02 2009 - 00:00
Banks and regulators 'exacerbated' crisis, says McCreevyEU Internal Markets Commissioner Charlie McCreevy has strongly criticised banks and regulatory authorities, claiming they “exacerbated…Thu Feb 26 2009 - 00:00