Syrian refugee in Germany sues Facebook over fake news reportFacebook post falsely claimed Anas Modamani set fire to Berlin homeless manWed Jan 11 2017 - 17:08
Germany sees two-thirds drop in asylum seekers in 2016‘Federal government and European measures have kicked in’, bringing down numbersWed Jan 11 2017 - 17:00
Sigmar Gabriel reported as set to run against Angela MerkelGermany’s Social Democrat leader has decided to contest chancellorship, says ‘Bild’Tue Jan 10 2017 - 17:00
Nato deployment begins against possible Russian aggressionThousands of troops moved with military equipment to Nato’s eastern borderFri Jan 06 2017 - 18:52
Known Islamists still in Germany despite deportation ordersAnis Amri was one of ‘dangerous persons’ who can’t be arrested under current lawFri Jan 06 2017 - 18:32
German media sympathetic to Irish Brexit fearsTaoiseach Enda Kenny says ‘people will not accept the return of a hard Border’Fri Jan 06 2017 - 01:00
German police detain suspected Berlin attack accompliceProsecutors say the man met Amri in a restaurant the evening before the attackWed Jan 04 2017 - 19:07
Terrorist threat prompts German federal security rethinkLaws decentralising power, created to guard against Nazism, obstruct fight on terrorismTue Jan 03 2017 - 18:23
Berlin proposes policing overhaul to tackle Islamist attacksChristmas market suspect known in western Germany but details not passed to capitalTue Jan 03 2017 - 18:06
Cologne police accused of heavy-handed New Year’s Eve securityGerman officers targeted young north African men after last year’s sexual assaultsTue Jan 03 2017 - 01:00
Angela Merkel’s political future hanging in the balanceEven the chancellor is shifting to the right as her third term comes to a closeMon Jan 02 2017 - 01:01
Angela Merkel: Germany’s little engine that maybe can’t anymoreThe chancellor’s grip on power is still tight, though not nearly as steady as in the pastThu Dec 29 2016 - 01:00
Poles take to streets – and Mass – in anti-government protestsWarsaw Letter: Country’s ruling PiS party is accused of trampling over the constitutionTue Dec 27 2016 - 01:00
German stability cannot be taken for granted - Sigmar GabrielVice-chancellor: ‘Liberal democracies on the defensive, authoritarian answers on the offensive’Mon Dec 26 2016 - 16:28
What if . . . Germany doesn’t get its act together on infrastructure?Spending crisis sees bridges slip from needing serious repairs to being public dangerMon Dec 26 2016 - 14:55
German officials face scrutiny after Berlin attack suspect’s deathAngela Merkel says killing of Anis Amri ends ‘acute danger’ amid claims of security flawsSat Dec 24 2016 - 01:00
Berlin market attack suspect swore loyalty to Islamic StateRight wing parties call for end to open EU borders after Berlin suspect shotFri Dec 23 2016 - 21:21
Merkel under pressure in wake of Christmas market attackChancellor must restore German confidence in national security and halt fear of migrantsFri Dec 23 2016 - 17:02
Three pillars of German society left shaking from Berlin attackBerliners are stoical at reopening of Christmas market, but attitudes are changingFri Dec 23 2016 - 01:00
Berlin attack suspect’s fingerprints found in truckAngela Merkel says she is proud of Germany’s reponse to Christmas market assaultThu Dec 22 2016 - 22:10
Berlin attack timeline: Suspect’s movements from Tunisia to GermanyAnis Amri being sought by German authorities after 12 die in Christmas market attackThu Dec 22 2016 - 08:36
Divided Berlin remembers Christmas market deadGermans and refugees gather to sing while right-wing protestors hold ‘solemn vigil’Thu Dec 22 2016 - 01:00
Berlin attack suspect was on watchlist over links to radicalsGermany offers reward for information as Europe-wide arrest warrant issued for TunisianThu Dec 22 2016 - 01:00
Berlin attack: Father confirms Anis Amri served jail sentenceSuspect under surveillance for several months over potential plan to buy weaponsWed Dec 21 2016 - 20:00
Berlin attack suspect released as Isis claims responsibilityGerman security on high alert as ‘armed perpetrator’ believed to be at largeWed Dec 21 2016 - 07:00
Derek Scally: Angela Merkel faces her darkest hourThe lorry attack at a Berlin Christmas market is major challenge for chancellorWed Dec 21 2016 - 06:41
Truck attack: ‘People will be back - there’s a great Berliner sense of defiance’‘I saw the injured and those beyond help. It’s the first time I’ve experienced something like this’Wed Dec 21 2016 - 01:00
Berlin attack: Police chief doubtful concrete barriers could have stopped lorryArmed patrols sent to many of Germany’s other 2,500 Christmas marketsTue Dec 20 2016 - 20:59
Islamic State claims attack on Christmas market in BerlinMan detained over incident which killed 12 released as police search for driverTue Dec 20 2016 - 19:45
Berlin deaths: All eyes turn to Angela MerkelChancellor may face toughest hours of her 11-year political term after Berlin attackTue Dec 20 2016 - 07:03
12 dead after truck driven into Christmas market in BerlinAt least 48 injured, police arrest man and confirm second man found dead in truck cabTue Dec 20 2016 - 06:06
Polish budget debate sparks protests over rules on media’s roleProtests over authoritarianism in Poland persist outside parliament buildingMon Dec 19 2016 - 18:12
Poland at tipping point over Kaczynski power grabAnalysis: Protests grow as draconian media law is straw that has broken camel’s backMon Dec 19 2016 - 01:00
President to hold talks with Polish opposition over protestsPiS party passes budget behind closed doors, blocking access to rival parties and mediaMon Dec 19 2016 - 01:00
Germany to fine Facebook €500,000 for every fake or hate-filled postSocial media giant will incur penalty if problematic post not removed within 24 hoursSat Dec 17 2016 - 13:15
Germany: AfD backs election strategy of ‘targeted provocation’Far-right party aims to tap distrust of establishment to raise voter share to 20%Fri Dec 16 2016 - 20:50
Boy (12) held on suspicion of trying to bomb German marketPolice believe boy was steered, possibly by Islamist extremists, via phone messenger appFri Dec 16 2016 - 16:05
Switzerland set to back compromise deal on EU migrantsIn case with similarities to Brexit, MPs water down plan to impose limit on EU migrantsThu Dec 15 2016 - 17:37
Fakes brought to book: Austrian Greens take on FacebookCase by Green Party leader may force social media company to take action on hate postsThu Dec 15 2016 - 05:22
EU summit: Syria, Ukraine on table as leaders meet in BrusselsSanctions on Russia set to be extended, with EU defence policy also on summit agendaThu Dec 15 2016 - 01:00
Auf Wiedersehen: Angela Merkel still standing as leaders bow outThe German chancellor faces an uncertain year and plotting by a conservative CDU cabalTue Dec 13 2016 - 17:41
Austrian Greens score court victory over fake Facebook newsCourt in Vienna orders Facebook Ireland to remove false and hate posts immediatelyMon Dec 12 2016 - 20:36
Hooray for Hygge as Danes embrace Nordic cosinessConcept makes it into official list of what defines DenmarkMon Dec 12 2016 - 20:18
Cologne to deploy 1,500 police at New Year’s Eve celebrationsPresence to be increased tenfold following hundreds of sexual assaults last yearMon Dec 12 2016 - 16:10
Austria threatens to freeze EU accession talks with TurkeyAustria’s foreign minister critical of Erdogan’s crackdown on Turkish oppositionSun Dec 11 2016 - 20:06
Germany’s secret paedophilia experimentUnder the ‘Kentler Experiment’ of the 1970s, Berlin welfare authorities handed over homeless teenagers to known paedophilesSat Dec 10 2016 - 06:00
Germany to set up €150m deportation fund for failed asylum seekersPoliticians agree on need to adjust ‘welcome culture’Fri Dec 09 2016 - 13:24
Angela Merkel’s coalition faces tensions over CDU move to rightConservative rebels in chancellor’s party seek to provide alternative to far-right AfDWed Dec 07 2016 - 16:12
Angela Merkel gives her party delegates what they want to hearGerman leader sounds tougher at conference, but substance of her message is intactTue Dec 06 2016 - 17:20
Angela Merkel calls for full face veil ban in sop to conservativesVow to speed up deportations of failed asylum seekers marks start of re-election bidTue Dec 06 2016 - 17:18