FROM THE ARCHIVES: Jim Larkin toured Britain unsuccessfully during the 1913 lockout seeking sympathetic strikes and addressing…

Sir, – Further to your recent correspondence referring to John Redmond, perhaps it should be recorded that Michael Davitt (not…

Sir, – The Irish Times is to be congratulated on its commitment to furthering discussion of the events that transformed Ireland…

THE DECISIVE impact of the third Home Rule Bill on the history of Ireland over the past century was the theme of the first official…

Sir, – Your Editorial (“Redmond’s moment”, April 11th) asks us to remember the “massive, excited demonstrations” at which Irish…

IT WAS a quid pro quo, driven by pragmatic political arithmetic rather than ideology or principle, but all the more remarkable…

FROM THE ARCHIVES: The pro- and anti-Home Rule campaign was fought on religious as well as political platforms, and in England…

Having survived the efforts of English suffragettes to burn it down the previous evening, Dublin’s Theatre Royal was the venue…

British prime minister Herbert Asquith visited Dublin in July 1912 for public meetings with Irish nationalists to sell their …


The Irish Times ePaper

How does a post-Brexit world shape the identity and relationship of these islands

Inquests into the nightclub fire that led to the deaths of 48 people