Quinnel in for Rodber

SCOTT QUINNELL has been drafted into the Lions side for tomorrow's tour opener against an Eastern Province Invitation XV in Port…

SCOTT QUINNELL has been drafted into the Lions side for tomorrow's tour opener against an Eastern Province Invitation XV in Port Elizabeth after the withdrawal of the number eight Tim Rodber with gastro-enteritis.

Quinnell (24), becomes the third former rugby league professional in tomorrow's starting line-up, joining the three-quarters John Bentley and Scott Gibbs.

Bentley and Gibbs, however, along with Rodber and the full-back Tim Stimpson, were unable to take part in yesterday's two-hour training session at King's Park. Bentley has a bruised toe, Gibbs a thigh strain, and Stimpson the same ailment as Rodber.

The promotion of Quinnell has paved the way for the Ireland and London Irish lock Jeremy Davidson to join the match squad as a replacement. In the unlikely event of Bentley and Gibbs being compelled to pull out, their places would almost certainly go to the replacements Tony Underwood and Allan Bateman.


"Both Tims, Rodber and Stimpson, went down with gastro-enteritis within a few hours of each other on Wednesday and they were immediately isolated in the same room," said the Lions' team doctor, James Robson. But other members of the touring party had experienced unpleasant throat and chest symptoms, he added.

Matt Dawson, moreover, has hurt his back, and his Northampton half-back partner, Paul Grayson has still not recovered from a groin muscle injury, though the out-half is making good progress.

Quinnell, whose father, Derek, will come out next month to see the three Tests, welcomed the opportunity to get in an early game at international level after a largely low-key season of Division Two rugby with Richmond.

The Wales forward, who has 14 caps, admitted: "As a boy I dreamed mainly of playing for Wales. It always seemed a long way off to become a Lion like my father."

Jim Telfer, the forwards' coach, admitted it was frustrating that the original all-England back row had been disrupted by the loss of Rodber.

"The Lions' opening game is completely different from any other international, and it's very important that the players involved forget where they're coming from and start afresh," he said. "It's vital that they encourage each other beforehand and become as focused as they can, especially in the early stages of the game."

This afternoon the Lions will make the 75-minute flight to Port Elizabeth.