Brendan Behan's torch song The Auld Triangle came to mind last week as more than 200 wheelchair anglers with physical disabilities and mobility impairments gathered along the banks of Dublin's Grand Canal to compete in a fishing competition organised by the Lucan branch of the Irish Wheelchair Association (IWA) in partnership with Waterways Ireland and Goldfish Angling.
In a spectacle, the likes of which was probably never witnessed before, groups from around Ireland took up positions from the 12th Lock in Lucan downstream for more than a mile along the canal bank.
To celebrate 10 successful years of this wonderful event, IWA invited other community-based, voluntary and disability organisations to enter a team. This outreach invitation further added to the friendship and, I suppose, to the competitiveness of the day.

Waterways Ireland, under supervision of Damien McWeeney, prepared adequate ‘swim’ space for all competitors, and Inland Fisheries Ireland stocked the stretch with perch and roach to ensure a good catch.
But fish can be stubborn. “Time and time again shoals of fish passed by and completely ignored our bait,” one competitor said. Nevertheless, 28 succumbed to the worm and maggots and created great excitement among team members when landed.
Conditions on the day were ideal – in fact, the suntan lotion became a necessity during the three-hour competition. All the while, the food trolley, manned by jolly volunteer staff, made its way along the towpath with drinks and bars for all.
The close proximity of IWA Lucan headquarters – just 100m from the lock – made it an ideal location to adjourn for food, craic, music and prize-giving. The car park was transformed into an enormous restaurant. A joy to be among these wonderful people.
Ciaran McLoughlin, service coordinator at Lucan and Ardee, thanked the organisations who partner with IWA each year for the fishing competition. “Next week, 17 of our members travel to Galway for a short break and then 54 IWA members will travel to the activity centre in Lisnaskea in Co Fermanagh,” he said. Results: 1 Navan; 2 Longford; 3 Ardee.
Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) has prohibited angling at the ‘hotwater’ stretch in Lanesborough, Co Longford, until further notice. This emergency response is due to the presence of Asian clam,
Corbilcula fluminea
, downstream of the ESB power plant on Lough Ree. A rapid response team has been deployed to erect signs prohibiting angling on this fishery.
Fisheries officers received a report last Thursday and responded immediately. Senior research officer Dr Joe Caffrey confirmed the presence of the invasive species. A meeting is scheduled for today between the relevant agencies to agree the next course of action.
Asian clam can spread on fishing equipment such as keep nets, landing nets, boats, rods and clothing. A decision to close this section of the fishery is a temporary measure to avoid accidental spread to other waters. The fishery will reopen at the earliest opportunity once bio-security measures for anglers can be introduced.
A fish stock survey carried out on Lough Ree in March included grab sampling for the invasive species in 200 sites over the entire lake. No Asian clam was found at that time.
Amanda Mooney, IFI director for Shannon River Basin District, said: “It is a tremendous shock to discover that this aggressive alien invasive species is present in this popular fishery. Anglers and water users are encouraged to report any sighting of invasive species to our 24-hour confidential hotline: 1890 34 74 24.”
Rory McAllorum came out tops at the recent Dublin Pike Anglers (DPA) competition on the Shannon with a winning bag of 21 pike that included a cracking fish of 19lb 2oz. The DPA is holding a two-day open competition next weekend (September 20th-21st.). Contact Rory on 087-684 9748.