A sponsorship fund to support angling events was launched recently by Inland Fisheries Ireland to assist initiatives on three fronts, beginning with international competitions which showcase Ireland’s angling offering and contribution to local economies.
Novice angler events deemed to increase participation in angling will also benefit. For example, those who wish to begin or who have recently taken up the sport as a hobby.
The fund will also help disseminate information that promotes conservation and protection of the inland fisheries and sea angling resource and can include seminars, workshops and training.

It is worth noting that support from the fund can be either financial or resource support from fisheries’ staff members.
Angling offers rural communities an opportunity to increase the number of visitors to an area and in turn, support local business and create jobs by providing a sustainable source of income for both catering and accommodation services.
IFI’s Suzanne Campion said: “Last year’s sponsorship scheme supported 79 initiatives all over the country. With Ireland having some of the best wild fisheries in Europe, this sponsorship fund aims to develop our angling tourism potential while also managing and conserving our fisheries resource.”
Applications are now invited at fisheriesireland.ie/Angling-Information/sponsorship-programme.html from angling clubs, associations or any local group organising an angling initiative and will remain open until Monday, January 22nd. Awards will be subject to budget availability and adherence to the scheme requirements.
Ireland Angling Show
The Ireland Angling Show 2018, scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, February 17th/18th, at Swords, Co Dublin, is shaping up to be another fantastic gathering of expert anglers and tackle trade distributors.
Close to 100 exhibitors will be showcasing and retailing new products and innovations in the fishing world. Angling celebrities Glenda Powell, Scott McKenzie and Hywel Morgan are back to demonstrate and advise on casting techniques.
New to the show is a designated lure zone demo tank with Westin, Tronix Pro, Fiiish and Cortland demonstrating from the brand ambassadors.
Boats builders Warrior, Erne, Arrow, McAlinden and Bespoke, plus a vast collection of state-of-the-art electronic and navigational equipment, will be on hand to cater for all types of boats.
Back by public demand is the ever-popular RNLI lifejacket clinic. Bring along your lifejacket for checking by the experts.
Fly fishers are in for a treat with fly-tying experts from around Europe available for advice and to demonstrate their skills. A huge array of flies and fly-tying supplies from all the top brands will also feature.
Sea, coarse and game anglers will be well catered for and check-out the wide selection of accessories, charter skippers and outdoor clothing stands.
Throughout the two days of the show, talks and seminars will be ongoing on tagging programs, sea angling, casting instructor programs, protection of streams and rivers and with a big emphasis on protection and sustainability of our natural resources.
Date for your diary: Saturday/Sunday, February 17th/18th, Ireland Angling Show, National Show Centre, Swords, Co Dublin. Opening times, 10am-5pm each day. The show is a great weekend for all the family with something for everyone.
Usher Lake fishery agm
The inaugural annual general meeting of Usher Lake coarse fishery will be held on Thursday, January 25th, in Applewood Community Centre, Swords, Co Dublin. At the meeting, volunteers will be sought to form a committee and an agreement on a final constitution of the club.
Waiting for salmon
We still await the first salmon of the year at time of writing. On the Drowes River in the northern region, fishery manager Bill Likely said: “A few fresh fish were lost and lots of kelts caught. With water levels finally dropping to 1.5m we expect a fresh fish shortly,” he said.