British gymnast Louis Smith suspended for video mocking Islam

Rio silver medalist shown shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ with fellow gymnast Luke Carson

Louis Smith has been suspended for two months by British Gymnastics after appearing to mock Islam in a video which appeared online last month.

The Olympic silver medallist was found guilty of a breach of the organisation’s Standards of Conduct by an independent panel while his friend.

Smith, who won a silver medal for Great Britain on the pommel horse in Rio, was filmed with Carson shouting “Allahu Akbar” and mimicking a praying pose. Carson has been given a reprimand by British Gymnastics which will stay on his record for two years.

Smith has since apologised for the footage which took place at a friend’s wedding. “I am deeply sorry,” he Tweeted. “I am not defending myself, what I did was wrong. I want to say sorry for the deep offense I have caused and to my family who have also been affected by my thoughtless actions


In a statement British Gymnastics said: “Louis Smith admitted his behaviour was a breach of the Standards of Conduct.

“The Panel upheld the allegation and taking into account a previous breach of the Standards of Conduct heard in June this year (where it also was made clear to Louis the consequences of any further breach), the Panel determined a cumulative penalty was appropriate and ordered a two-month period of suspension.

During Luke Carson’s hearing, he admitted his behaviour was a breach of the rules as alleged. The Panel upheld the allegation and having taken into account that there have been no previous incidents, issued a reprimand that will remain on Luke’s record for 2 years.“