Navratilova to play in Madrid

Tennis: Martina Navratilova has brought her comeback forward and will now partner South African Mariaan de Swardt at the Madrid…

Tennis: Martina Navratilova has brought her comeback forward and will now partner South African Mariaan de Swardt at the Madrid Open starting on May 22nd, before contesting the French Open.

The American, now 43, has not played professionally for five-and-a-half years but announced last week she will return to Wimbledon in June to try and equal former doubles partner Billie Jean King's record of 20 women's titles.

Swimming: The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has advised Australian Olympic officials that their swimmers are free to wear bodysuits at the national Olympic selection trials from May 13th to 20th in Sydney.

But Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) president John Coates said yesterday a CAS advisory opinion, given in Lausanne on Monday, had done nothing to clarify the legality of the neck-to-ankle suits. Coates said the ruling did not address the key issue of whether the bodysuits were "devices that may aid a swimmer's speed, buoyancy or endurance", which would violate FINA rules.


Snooker: New world champion Mark Williams has insisted he is not about to dominate the game in the same way as Steve Davis and Stephen Hendry.

Williams' success at the Crucible over Matthew Stevens follows on from him being confirmed as the world's number one for next season. But he does not expect to go on and monopolise honours like Hendry and Davis, who won seven and six world titles respectively.

He said: "I don't think you will ever see that happen again. There are so many players coming through now that can win tournaments."