THE RESULTS of a pilot video competition which attracted the interest of over 150 Transition Year and media studies teachers will be announced at the end of May. The Mobil Green sight video competition was financed by Mobil Oil Ireland in conjunction with the Friends of the Earth and the Green Alliance.
The final number of completed videos by students and their teachers entered was 30. John Dalton, Mobil's finance director, was very pleased with the overall reaction of teachers around the country. Each was sent a video pack and an accompanying teacher's handbook. "They were very enthusiastic," says Dalton. The aim of the competition was to advance the cause of environmental issues.
Andrew Cox, the Transition Year co-ordinator at Newtown School in Waterford, used the video pack with a group of students. "It was very interesting," he says. "It was very much a learning process for me also." To get better results, he believes that there should be some sort of in service training for teachers in video production in the future. "As a pilot course it was very good."
Dalton hopes that the competition will ran again next year. The judges are Eamonn de Buitlear, Cynthia Ni Mhurchu, John McMahon of RTE and Deirdre Scully of UCD. The winners will get £2,000 of video equipment of their own choosing for heir school.