Irish boats dominate in Hobart

Irish boats swept the boards at the Mirror World Championships in Hobart, Tasmania yesterday

Irish boats swept the boards at the Mirror World Championships in Hobart, Tasmania yesterday. The eight-strong visiting team took first, second and fourth places as well as the team prize in a fleet of almost 100 boats from eight nations in the 10-race series.

The title went to Irish number three pairing of Chris Clayton and Craig Martin of Bangor, Co Down who held off a strong late challenge by Andrew Woodward and James Bendon of the Royal Cork YC, Crosshaven who took second overall.

Bobby Collins and Fintan Hughes of the National YC, Dun Laoghaire had been hoping for a promotion to third overall if the jury decided that the Australians Glen and Lloyd Collings infringed in a port and starboard incident, but the hearing upheld the overall result.

Ireland retain the world title for the second consecutive championship; Peter Bayly and William Atkinson of Lough Derg YC won the last event in 2001 when it was staged at Howth YC in Dublin.


The Mirror dinghy is one of the most popular junior classes.

MIRROR WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP (at the Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania); 1, C Clayton (Irl) 23.00; 2, A Woodward (Irl) 24.00; 3, G Collings (Aus) 28.00; 4, B Collins (Irl) 29.00; 5, D Moore (Aus) 44.00.

David Branigan

David Branigan

David Branigan is a contributor on sailing to The Irish Times