Cole keeps home fires burning

Everyone keeps on saying no league title is won in February and on a thrilling Old Trafford night drenched in atmosphere and …

Everyone keeps on saying no league title is won in February and on a thrilling Old Trafford night drenched in atmosphere and teeming with drama the two most likely contenders ensured that this morning neither are contemplating the next 12 weeks with three points in the pocket and a decisive advantage in the head.

Ultimately a draw was just about the fair result, but while Arsenal left the sodden field relieved, United's overriding emotion was probably regret.

That stemmed chiefly from Dwight Yorke's first-half penalty miss and from an increasing flow of squandered opportunities late in the second half. That said, United's primary task once Nicolas Anelka had given Arsenal a 47th-minute lead was to recover at least a point.

They did so 13 minutes later through Andy Cole, his emphatic downward header provoking an avalanche of telling statistics. The 19th goal of a prosperous season, it was Cole's 100th in the Premiership.


Rather more significantly, it was the first League goal Arsenal had conceded since December 13th - almost 10 hours of play - and only the 12th they have allowed this campaign. It was also fine timing on Cole's part for him to beat David Seaman for the first time.

But for Seaman United would certainly have had a late winner, though arguably no Seaman save was as vital as one shortly before half-time after Cole had spun away from Steve Bould with breathtaking speed and skill.

Seaman blunted United to such a degree Arsene Wenger attested that the England goalkeeper "is back to his best".

Arsenal had luck and grit but also the fluency and tenacity of Patrick Vieira, Bould and, up front, Nwankwo Kanu. Considering it was his first league start in English football, the Nigerian displayed a talent for rapid acclimatisation. Initially at least Kanu was the most impressive player on view, his deft touches supplying Anelka and discomfiting the United defence. United. however, were trading blow for blow and Seaman made important stops from Yorke and Cole before Gary Willard awarded a controversial penalty on the half hour.

A long cross from Jesper Blomqvist eluded everyone in the middle and fell to Ronnie Johnsen, lurking on the edge of the area. Johnsen's first touch took him into the box but also into Ray Parlour, causing the Norwegian to go to ground.

It was, as Seaman said, "fifty-fifty", but Willard pointed to the spot without hesitation. With Denis Irwin injured, Yorke volunteered to take the penalty, a decision he rued when the ball flew the wrong side of Seaman's left-hand post.

On an occasion such as this, that was always going to be an expensive error and when Kanu breezed past Jaap Stam as if the Dutchman was rooted to the earth, only to be halted by Gary Neville, it seemed Yorke had been excused. However, Neville's impact sent the ball to Anelka and he swept it high into the unguarded net.

With United clearly frustrated there was a brief flare-up involving Roy Keane and Vieira, with both being booked, but relative tranquillity returned and, on the hour, so did United.

Philip Neville was the instigator, a little shimmy on the left wing providing room for a tempting centre. Cole again whisked away from his marker and, with a forceful header, placed the ball firmly beyond Seaman.

Having done it once, shortly after, Cole nearly did it again. Latching on to David Beckham's precision pass, he held off Bould and Nigel Winterburn but saw his shot turned away for a corner. Cole, again, Yorke and Keane had further inviting chances but Arsenal held firm.

Man Utd: Schmeichel, G Neville, Johnsen, Stam, P Neville, Beckham, Butt (Giggs 78), Keane, Blomqvist (Scholes 61), Yorke, Cole. Subs Not Used: Van Der Gouw, Solskjaer, Brown. Booked: Yorke, Keane. Goals: Cole 60.

Arsenal: Seaman, Dixon, Bould, Adams, Winterburn (Vivas 78), Parlour, Hughes, Vieira, Overmars (Diawara 87), Anelka, Kanu (Garde 61). Subs Not Used: Manninger, Grimandi. Booked: Vieira, Bould. Goals: Anelka 47.

Referee: G Willard (Worthing).

Michael Walker

Michael Walker

Michael Walker is a contributor to The Irish Times, specialising in soccer