Bloodgate Affair From The Mouth

“How ironic if this guy (Tom Williams) is actually injured now” – Harlequins Physiotherapist, Steph Brennan, when Williams went…

"How ironic if this guy (Tom Williams) is actually injured now"– Harlequins Physiotherapist, Steph Brennan, when Williams went down.

"Mr Brennan's recollection of events is that Mr Richards asked over the radio 'does anyone have any blood?'"– Brennan's statement.

"He had long since recruited Mr Brennan as his willing lieutenant in such activities, and in identifying Mr Williams as the person who would fake the blood injury he had selected a player who he thought could be suborned into cheating."  –  Appeals Committee on Richards

"We did not believe Mr Richards when he said the prime driving force in the cover-up was the protection of the professional position of Dr Chapman. We considered the primary interest of Mr Richards was in preventing his own role being discovered."  –  Appeals Commitee on Richards


"I did not give a true account of the relevant matters to the Disciplinary Committee. "This is a cause of great regret to me and I apologise unreservedly for it."— Tom Williams to the Appeals Committee

"I do not think that I have ever seen another player challenge Dean's authority."– Tom Williams