Australia guard against burn out

AUSTRALIA'S rugby union administrators are looking at ways of minimising the risk of player burn out in the new professional …

AUSTRALIA'S rugby union administrators are looking at ways of minimising the risk of player burn out in the new professional era.

"We're very wary of burn out, very wary that our most expensive players are our international players and that we should keep them for internationals," the Australian Rugby Union's chief executive John O'Neill said in Melbourne yesterday.

Australia, who play Ireland on Saturday week, play 11 internationals next year, including two on an end of season tour to Argentina and another - on the return home - against England in November at Twickenham.

O'Neill said top Australian players could now expect to play about 22 games a season, including Super 12 series of provincial matches against leading teams from South Africa and New Zealand.


"If you're (Wallaby captain) John Eales and you've played your 12 Super 12s and eight domestic Tests, going back and playing a couple of games of club rugby may not be a wise investment."