On the Women’s Podcast, psychotherapist Lucy Cavendish talks about losing your identity and reclaiming it again

Listen | 43:56
English writer and psychotherapist Lucy Cavendish.

Six years ago, when English writer and psychotherapist Lucy Cavendish turned 50, she began to feel like she didn’t fit in anymore.

With her four children reared,  her identity as a working mother was gone and while some might relish the freedom of this, it left her feeling as though she was fading into invisibility.

On the latest episode of The Women’s Podcast, she tells Róisín Ingle about numerous ‘moments’ where she felt a profound ‘loss of self’ and was left wondering, ‘who am I?’. In her psychotherapy practice, she began to realise she was not alone in this and spoke to female clients in their fifties who were having similar experiences.

In the latest episode of The Women’s Podcast, Cavendish explores how other women who are feeling this way can begin to “step out of the shadows” and the positive steps women can take to reclaim a sense of purpose and identity.