A series of reports about landlord Marc Godart have provided an insight into the dysfunctional Irish rental market and the powerlessness of tenants.
The native of Luxembourg manages a large property portfolio encompassing flats in Borrisokane, and a range of Dublin properties.
The Irish Times revealed in April that 45 tenants in one apartment block owned and managed by Godart were evicted. The apartments were subsequently let on Airbnb.
Since then, other stories have emerged.
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But how has Mr Godart built his Irish rental empire?
Europe correspondent Naomi O’Leary follows the money back to the Godart homestead in a leafy suburb in Luxembourg, where she puts questions to a member of the Godart family.
Dublin editor Olivia Kelly explains what might happen next for the prolific landlord.
And Irene Hayden and Frank Kavanagh tell the story of what happened when Godart rented their property.
Presented by Bernice Harrison. Produced by Declan Conlon. This episode was originally published in April 2023.